To live with reckless abandon for God, you have to abandon your own plans and dreams. In Luke 9:23, Jesus says, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” Every person that God asked to follow him had to completely leave behind their old life, trust Him, and live with reckless abandon. It was incredible to see how this whole process was covered with so much prayer and love for students and how the timing couldn’t have been better. Rip CDs to the hard drive with reckless abandon and no concern for space constraints. Reckless Abandon. Lately, I’ve also been reminded of a few verses as I prepare my heart for Haiti. They say “Keep Calm & Carry on”. . Chord chart for "Reckless Abandon" as recorded on "Rob Whitlow: Three". Even people who have struggled so much through natural disasters & poverty, continue to praise God and have a strong faith in Him. Yupp… That’s Jake. Why my community? Victims of this wildfire, first responders, and many others will continue to be affected, long after the fire is completely contained. I happened to open up Facebook on a random Friday afternoon to a live video of worship at Bethel Church in Anaheim, California, a Church I pray I get the chance to go to one day. striving to worship God with reckless abandon, in every area of my life. Finals were expected to go on as planned the next week. with reckless abandon "The place where God calls us is that place where the world's deep hunger and our deep desire meet." However, on the flip side, one man said “No.” Boldly, we asked, “Why?” and he responded by stating that he couldn’t meet the requirements of being a Christian. Live a Life of Reckless Abandon for God I have one desire now – to live a life of reckless abandon for the Lord, putting all my energy and strength into it. As we began to ask some generic questions to break the ice (i.e. While these masks were helpful in blocking out some of the toxic particles in the air, they couldn’t mask the reality that this fire was impacting my daily life (and the lives of so many other students at Westmont and people in the community) and was not going away anytime soon. I am so glad that you are taking the time to read our blog. First of all*, I hope you and your families are safe and provided for during this time. Scripture captures the real essence of what the word truly means in Greek. It directions them to live obediently and to live a life of reckless abandon for God: Today the Lord your God has commanded you to obey all these decrees and regulation. My senses were no longer alarmed at the smell of smoke. Reflecting back, may my heart say, “Look at what God did. In a more literal sense, I challenged myself to go on this trip bringing only a carry-on (well, plus a backpack… which is basically my purse ). Thank goodness its finally summertime! Sunday, July 12, 2020 “And Jesus told them many things in parables, saying: “Listen! While prayer is available to all and certainly powerful but, as James 2:14-16 reminds us, God calls us to do more, to get outside of our comfort zone, and give generously to those in need. The next day, I drove to a friend’s house who graciously allowed me to park my car there for the break and who later took me to the airport so I could fly home, after one of the craziest week’s of my life. Search for: Recent Posts. In essence, we abandon ourselves so that we can have Him. The Worship and Music Committee of my congregation has been spending time reflecting on our worship, especially the hymns we sing and whether they invite us to express the full range of our emotions to God, and to do so with the reckless abandon of David. 3. ( Log Out /  It was as if she were possessed and made drunk by a multitude of joyous and reverent angels. Why my home? Reckless Abandon. However, God can take something broken, make it even better, and use it for His glory. “And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. This hope for the future and faith in God is what we must cling to. Looking outside of the library windows, the sky was orange and the ground was covered with ash. This song is an invitation for you to partner with all of creation to worship Jesus with reckless abandon. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und … (p. 25). Teens pursuing Christ with reckless abandon. Join us for worship as we celebrate Epiphany and the visit from the Magi. There’s such freedom and passion in those words. Ephesians 2:10 says that God created you in His image and for good works that He has prepared beforehand. The parable of the sower is the text for this weekend at worship. Editor's Note: The following is a report on the practical applications of Will Davis Jr.'s book, Faith Set Free: Pray for Yourself with Reckless Abandon, (Revell, 2009). Currently, Michael and Junior are now Facebook friends so they can keep in touch , 3 girls braiding Kiara’s whole head at once, This kid was an incredible baseball player, pigs just a little bit above where people get drinking water at one of the water sources in Source Matelas, This is seriously better than Blue Bell. She took hold of every song and prayer as if each word held the secret of life and was the key to entering the holy of holies. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Reckless Abandon. Here’s a few of my favorite pictures to give you an idea of my week in Haiti: enjoying the beautiful view at the Bercy campus, Baptism of a woman who previously practiced Voo doo, Hey everyone! These are the sacrifices that please God.” Hebrews 13:16, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. paintings on the school building at the Bercy campus, the location for the future Pastor’s conference center (which could also double as a wedding venue, ect.). At 7 am, evacuation orders were made just a few highway exits south from our college. A quick search on the internet revealed that a wildfire broke out in Ventura, a town about 45 minutes away from Westmont and had affected the power lines, causing many people in other communities to lose power. Day 1: Departure & Day 2: Arrival in Titayen, Haiti, Thank you for all your prayers for this trip I am truly blessed by all of you. This song is an invitation for you to partner with all of creation to worship Jesus with reckless abandon. 1074. As part of the one body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord’s Table as God has welcomed us. From starring as a hero on a fantasy TV series to playing a villain in a post-apocalyptic show, Katherine McNamara is cementing herself as a young Hollywood actor to watch. As I packed, I looked at a phrase I had written on my chalkboard at the beginning of the semester: “And if not, God is still good”. The next day, our college president announced that our classes would be canceled for the next two days. Frederick Buechner. : in a very wild and reckless way She decided with reckless abandon to quit her job and move to Tahiti. We embrace various expressions of worship. There is. You all have been such a blessing to me . Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”. Much as a person with deep faith can survive any problem that comes along his way.” We need to have deep roots in order to be able to weather the storm. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Although they agreed that magic was inherently dangerous if handled irresponsibly, Azshara and her Highborne began to practice their spellcraft with reckless abandon. Throw Your Heart Away. I had an absolutely incredible trip and I cannot express my gratitude enough to all of you who made this possible. He’s pretty much my adopted little brother, Little girls playing at one of the water sources in Source Matelas, Our Canadian intern Chris just attracts Haitian friends, So, during our first official “village time”, all 20-some people in our group started walking with our 4 translators, looking for people to talk to. About a year before the 7.0 magnitude earthquake in 2010, a man called Brad Johnson, founder of MOH and insisted that he wanted to send an ambulance to Haiti. Hello! The Temptations (One Of) Emperors Of Soul. feel free to contact me at or comment below. Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty heavens! ~Elisabeth Elliot. I want to love Him with reckless abandon because that is how He loves us. Pinterest. Why is it still happening?”. We abandon our sin for His holiness. Scripture captures the real essence of what the word truly means in Greek. So, with this in mind, I pray that I will be Christ’s servant, both in my daily life and while I am in Haiti. However, as we consider God, our Emmanuel, we can reflect on the fact that even Jesus experienced a deep sense of betrayal by God, when he says, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”, while he is on the cross (check it out here). Are you family? After several phone calls, Brad finally agreed, informing the donor that MOH was not an emergency care facility. I love having a chance to discuss this reading with you. * Note: The real-life stories in this series contain mature themes. Before church, we had a tour of the entire campus, getting to see their on-site water purification system, walking through the Village of Hope (orphanage), seeing the School of Hope, the medical facility, and the Warehouse (where food is packed for their Nutrition program which helps schools, churches, and other communities) and doing a little shopping at Madame Cheap Cheap’s shop. Farming testing ground at Bercy (farming is pretty difficult on this side of Haiti because if you dig to deep, you hit salt water). God is here with us and our community during this time. It’s hard to find an instance where I didn’t hear someone (or even myself) complaining about the weather. in order to fulfill His purpose for me. That evening, I (and I’m sure many others) breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the news that Westmont was officially put under mandatory evacuation. With a bit of nerves, I am so very excited that in a little over 24 hours, I will be in Haiti with my wonderful team, working alongside Missions of Hope. future Vaca-Mission paradise (Brad, founder of MOH, wants to start a program where families who can’t afford a missions trip and a vacation, can have both. Sep 2006 – Jan 2016 9 years 5 months. Do you feel like life is full of rules, boundaries and limitations? How about you wear this? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Change ). It is proskuneo, which means “to kiss the hand to … Maybe there’s an issue with the electric company”, I thought. After several minutes, I was more curious about the cause of the power outage. “To love the Lord with all our strength means to love Him “exceedingly” “richly”, “lavishly”, with reckless abandon out of simple devotion.” ~Greg Simas Worship in spirit and truth says – with all my heart for all my life all I need is you, Lord. . Definition of with reckless abandon. I love praising and worshiping our amazing God with the talents He has blessed me with. The Liebster Blog Award; The Manifesto; THE WORSHIP PROJECT. We abandon our goals for His purpose. We abandon our pride for His glory. 4:19), “. God asks the very same of us. As of right now, the Thomas fire is now the 5th largest wildfire recorded in Californian history and has burned 234,200 acres. My routine for the next few days felt exceptionally ironic and strange. so that I may run the race set out for me to the best of my ability, not just accepting “good enough”. Whatever’s leftover, I can give to others.” Isn’t that backwards from how Christ instructs us to live? and if not, God is still good; Day 4: Welcome to Source Matelas; Day 3: Sunday (Church + Vision Sunday) Day 1: Departure & Day 2: Arrival in Titayen, Haiti; Follow Blog via Email . May I put others before myself and be willing to give the very best of myself in everything I do, all to the glory of God for He is so very worthy. However, after we have had time to grieve and lament this situation, we must remember the story of Jesus didn’t end on the cross and the story of these affected Californian communities doesn’t end here either. And you have promised to walk in his ways, and to obey his decrees, commands, and regulations, … [Compassion] is not a bending toward the underprivileged, Day 1: Departure & Day 2: Arrival in Titayen, Haiti,,,, “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. Have a great day :)” Someone just trying to help someone out, wanting nothing in return. It’s okay to cry and be upset and get frustrated and even angry at how many people are affected by this fire. Think of James 1:2-4, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. I really love the phrase: Reckless Abandonment. How I needed those words to give me a bit of perspective, as I began to go through my belongings and decide what was most important to try and salvage. Deuteronomy 26:16-17 admonishes the nation of Israel. *What's holding you back? Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. WhatsApp. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”. I started packing up my suitcases and loading up my car, ready to leave if that’s what was necessary. On the contrary, compassion means going directly to those people and places where suffering is most acute and building a home there. Come beloved, let’s worship. You can plan many good things for your life, but they may not be what God has for you. After experiencing countless power outages in Uganda, I wasn’t worried at first. That verse does not say “all things” by accident. How sad that our culture has become so selfish, so stuck in the mindset of “I need to take care of myself first. Skip to content. Behind the Song: This was the second Catholic song that I wrote. 4:35 PREVIEW Love Like a Hurricane. We can look forward towards the fact that new growth and redemption is possible for this community and for all people, even after a time of great destruction. Read Matthew 2: 1-12 in preparation for Pastor Michelle’s sermon, With Reckless Abandon. As we watch the fires in Calfornia continue to rage, its natural to ask, “Why, God? The Western world is experiencing a massive paradigm shift in its worldview, as best seen in the rise of the New Age Movement, the acceptance of parapsychology as a science, the growing popularity of the supernatural, and the … Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für with reckless abandon im Online-Wörterbuch (Deutschwörterbuch). God wants to challenge us, help us grow and bless us, yet we so often resist Him. “It’ll come back on in a minute. One elderly women stated that she did go to the local church because she saw how incredible God really was and how he met her needs. ( Log Out /  He asserted that the campus was in no imminent danger of being damaged by the fire but that the air quality was clearly affecting students and he and the rest of the administration wanted to give students the opportunity to be able to study for finals in a better environment. in the grave of love I dive headfirst into pitch black skies with reckless abandon and weary battle cries. God loves you and so do we. Careless and loveless want to lay down . John 3:30: “He must increase, but I must decrease.” When all is said and done, to God alone be the glory. “Vision Sunday” is a time where we get to see what Missions of Hope is all about and what they are doing around the country and how they plan to expand. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. God bless ❤. One of the most powerful worship experiences I’ve ever had: listening to hundreds of Haitians singing “God is good, He is faithful” and Matt Maher’s “Ten Thousand Reasons”. Weeding through unnecessary items was not easy on my worrisome mind, however, I am glad to set myself apart from junk that only weighs/slows me down. The pastor (He preached mostly in Creole but did translate main points into English), Worship Band (complete with several drums, an electric bass, drum set, bongos, two keyboards, a trumpet, and several singers). While many of my friends went to various locations for the weekend, I felt compelled to stay on campus as an RA in order to help keep students calm during this stressful situation and be there in case there was a need to evacuate. Hey everyone! Throughout this whole process, I’ve felt God quieting my worrisome spirit, continually reminding me of Philippians 4:6, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” As I prepare to be a light to the world and a good steward of what the Lord has blessed me with, may my prayer be Colossians 3:17: “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”. I love serving and helping people. A sower went out to sow.” - Matthew 13: 3. Create a free website or blog at Continuing the next day, Junior did come to the worship service and we got to spend a bit more time talking with him, reassuring him that he didn’t have to have all the answers right now. Okay, over the next week or so, I will do my best to go through my pictures day by day and explain what I did each day, how God impacted me, and the like. Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” (emphasis added). A life of Reckless Abandon knows to abandon everything else. Surrendering to God not only makes us whole, but also gives our lives meaning, purpose, and joy. Svalbard. I strive to worship and glorify Him with my entire life, to trust Him with all my heart, and to be willing to abandon everything (my agenda, dreams, distractions, material wealth, ect.) At 1:30 am, there was a power outage. Download music videos, gamer pics and dashboard themes, and store your own photos on the console. Hard times not only what help us grow, but they also help us learn to draw closer to God; this is not to say that we should not wait for problems to strike in order to grow stronger in Christ. We abandon our dreams for His plan. Kid You Not. For the first time in nearly seven years of living overseas, Tim and I decided to stay home for the summer. I wonder if they’ve ever read the very last Psalm which states “Praise the Lord! Written by Rob Whitlow. The gospel propels us forward in ways you never imagined. Jesus Words’ Bible Study Blog Host: Jay Martin September 1, 2010 Scripture: Matthew 3:13-15; Matthew 4:3-4; 5-7; 8-10 Welcome to Jesus’ Words Bible Study. Kaylan! (not my picture) This was after the tents were freshly built after the earthquake in 2010. I totally believe we ought to approach our God with reverence and honor, but it must be coupled with some reckless abandon or our relationship will grow distant and cold. - Ben and the Worshipmob family Come beloved, let’s worship. 0. What is it about Thursday nights that makes my Honey think we are open for meetings? Following God with a Reckless Abandon: A Calculated Recklessness Sunday, August 25, 2019 It’s time for us to worship Him with reckless abandonment. Despite this situation, I knew I needed to continue studying so I could leave for Christmas break, knowing I did my absolute best on finals. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” Philippians 2: 3-4, “If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?” 1 John 3:17. There’s got to be something deeper to worship than that–something that captures the reckless abandon and passionate surrender we should sense when we worship God. With Reckless Abandon. Reckless abandon, what a way to be, Since you left you pulled the rug right out from under me, But I'm to blame, Runnin' round and causin' so much. There’s such freedom and passion in those words. This song came on and my jaw was dropped through the entire thing. I went back to the section where I act as the Resident Assistant and made sure everyone was okay and not too panicked. You remember this story where the sower throws seed out on to four types of soil. Jan 2014 – Present 5 years 11 months. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we are reminded of how God became man and lived among us, experiencing our pain, our broken world, our temptations, and our humanness. Many think that Christianity only adds to the restrictions on how we live. In Hebrews 12:1-3, I am reminded to throw off any hinderance (fear, anxiety, excuses, exhaustion, ect.) As you read this, I ask that, as you feel compelled, you will pray for all that have been affected by this fire. I couldn’t sleep for more than few hours without checking for more updates about the Thomas fire, its containment, how close the evacuation sites were getting. With or without pants, you pick them up, play with them, just love on them. 1. My favorite Bible verse is Philippians 1:9. Here is a link to all of my pictures from Haiti: A little later, an EMT called Brad and said that he felt God calling him to come out to Haiti and do medical work. On Saturday night, I went to bed late after work. We need struggles in order to grow. Often, we become so engrossed in our busy lives that we forget where our focus should be; fear holds us back from trusting Him and living up to our God-given potential. But life in Christ is not supposed to hold you back. The verse on my heart lately has been 1 Peter 3:15: “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.” (emphasis added). The day went on, business as usual, despite the power going off unpredictably. By far, the best ice cream  ever, One of the girls at Madame Cheap Cheap’s “store” insisted on microbraiding my hair, This was the first lizard we found in our room. God hears our pain. Once we surrender and willingly let go of self and put God at the center of our lives, everything else falls in to place. I love Jesus! They’re much more worn now. After I got back from Haiti, I jumped right back into a crazy school schedule and was kind of put into survival-mode until the end of the semester. I will post more pictures in the next few days. There’s got to be something deeper to worship than that–something that captures the reckless abandon and passionate surrender we should sense when we worship God. Loving on kids is too precious. ( Log Out /  We then invited him to church the next night, offered to get him a Bible, and our translator and Village Champion, Ro Ro offered to mentor him in his faith. Exits south from our college world ) I landed in DIA at about 10:30 pm last night and home... And off, making studying and focusing on any task incredibly difficult with those in.... And blessed by all of you 2:10 says that God created you His... Right now, the sky was orange and the ground was covered with.! My heart for Haiti contact me at pure.waterfall19 @ or comment below wrote... To God not only makes us whole ( i.e and weary battle cries can. Family come beloved, let ’ s worship the greatest Voices of Change the! Next morning, the power went out unexpectedly at Westmont college abandon…is somehow wrong next! 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