Perhaps the Rogue Trader was acting to protect their own trade interests, moving against a competitor with lethal force. Yet they are more than ranting demagogues, and what sets them above the itinerant preachers of the Missionarius is a drive to profit as well as to preach. You generate your 9 characteristics by rolling 2d10 and add a 25, or an option for point allocation is also given. There is no constant, no prescribed list of conditions that can decide when waging a war is prudent or not. A Rogue Trader's Arch-Militant armed with a bolter. All of these factors can lead to violent confrontation, particularly if the Rogue Trader has knowledge or an artefact that others within the Imperial hierarchy of equal or greater power covet. Such incidents might be cause to forfeit the Warrant, if the Rogue Trader is still alive at the end. Rogue Traders from such a background often amass huge ground forces and use their fleets to bring these to bear in devastating planetary assaults. The missionary Rogue Trader suffers the xenos poorly, seeing little or no value in establishing profitable trading relationships with alien worlds. ... Third, the Rogue Trader himself, Fenrisian noble, Thorfin Someone (he has a last name none of us can ever remember it - it's hard to pronounce). Over time, once the Warrant of Trade has been given, a Rogue Trader may find that his empire is growing. The Imperium of Man is a vast, scattered realm, extending over almost the entire galaxy, impinging itself upon the more compact areas of alien-settled space. We stock tons of AOS and 40k models, start collecting kits, new releases, and Great Deals. A Rogue Trader must be able to weigh every factor in war, from costs and benefits to the social and political ramifications. Often the two are one and the same. : the Rogue Trader is restricted to operating in a single sector) or something similar. This onerous duty might be the result of the Imperium being in possession of fragmentary knowledge of an unexplored region, which, although incomplete, suggests the presence of some natural resource or otherwise desirable asset that might be of strategic value to an entire segmentum. These Traders Militant behave in a similar fashion as a senior Imperial military commander. [1c] Some are highly pious while others are no more than legitimised pirates. Some Rogue Traders become so powerful that their interests come into conflict with those of the Imperium. Rogue Traders have even attempted to cross the great starless voids of intergalactic space, but over such distances even astropaths' powers of psychic communication are useless, and whether such missions have succeeded is unknown. No Rogue Trader can undertake their mission alone, for no man or woman can be master of every single aspect of trade, exploration, exploitation, and war. Some Rogue Traders operate as mercenaries, renting the service of their ship(s) to the highest bidder, including pirates, other Rogue Traders or an Imperial organisation like the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Astra Militarum or the Inquisition. In appearance, these militant Rogue Traders vary hugely. In addition, the aristocratic ruling classes of many worlds crave the exotic, often paying outrageous sums for goods imported from distant locales. The reasons for the granting of a Warrant of Trade include the following. The rewards a Rogue Trader's Warrant of Trade can bring are exceptional, and often quite beyond those attainable by any other legitimate means within Imperial space. Yet not one of those assembled took a backward step. [!b], In their task of exploring and exploiting uncharted regions of the galaxy, Rogue Traders might come across worlds harbouring long forgotten human civilisations which will be incorporated into the Imperium. A Rogue Trader wields nearly limitless power in the name of the Emperor. Once a force has been mustered and equipped, all that is left is to move it where it is needed and deploy it to the battlefield. Their ships will already be configured as troop carriers, they are trustworthy, and can typically be had for the price of some favours. These Rogue Traders may well be motivated by the need to re-establish all that they may have lost. Often however, Rogue Traders will be required to travel outside the established territories of the Imperium in the name of settlement or exploration. While most are highly accomplished at such games, even a Rogue Trader can become mired in a bad deal or find himself double-bluffed and outmanoeuvred by a competitor. They might wear the vestments of their former positions, such as the monkish robes of the scribe. The Explorator fleets of the Adeptus Mechanicus are ever investigating the wonders of the galaxy, relentlessly recording and cataloguing celestial phenomena and stellar bodies. It is the strong arm and the implicit threat of violence that lend weight to a man's words in the Imperium. Perhaps something far more sinister lurks in the black spaces on the map -- alien Tomb Worlds pre-dating the evolution of Humanity, esoteric stellar phenomena that challenge the understanding of the most learned of Tech-priests, or planet-sized super-weapons placed as silent sentinels by long-extinct civilisations. More than likely, it will involve prodigious bribes at the very highest of levels, or on calling in outstanding debts and favours from every possible source. This legacy is important for crewmembers to remember, as they need to know that they are more than the ordinary Imperial citizen -- they are rare individuals, chosen for greatness, who possess power to shape the very destiny of the Imperium itself. Money spent on mercenaries is money spent on a known quantity. Serren Travius, Rogue Trader Rogue Traders, originally called Rogue Traders Militant during the era of the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy, are unique and powerful Human individuals who serve as a combination freelance explorer, conquistador and interstellar merchant for the Imperium of Man. Considering the enormous freedom granted by the Warrant of Trade, it takes a great deal for a Rogue Trader's actions to be considered beyond the legal scope of their powers. He knows the value of war to the nearest Throne, understanding that the true cost of war is reflected in more than banking ledgers and casualty lists. Some would claim that any man who has attained such high rank as to be awarded the Warrant of Trade must harbour within himself something of this trait. As a result, all of the most successful Rogue Traders have the ingrained ability to recognise the value of others and their motivations and, as a leader, are able to utilise every weapon and ability in the Human arsenal to their full potential. [1e], In practice, Rogue Traders have access to ship classes up to and including Grand Cruisers - these are surprisingly prevalent amongst the wealthier Rogue Trader fleets. Being too powerful to come into direct conflict it can be arranged for the individual to recieve a warrant of trade, the honour of which cannot be refused. These men and women, descended from the settlers and Rogue Trader vassals who came to this region long ago, have spent the majority of their lives interacting with all manner of denizens within the Koronus Expanse. It is also a source of great pride for those members of a Rogue Trader's crew to know that they are a cut above the average citizen, gifted with special rights and blessed with a favoured role in the Emperor's grand designs. Such Rogue Traders are often accompanied on their voyages by an army of Ecclesiarchy representatives, who he will make every effort to establish on any lost Human worlds he discovers. Although the proscriptions that bar most Human contact with aliens do not apply to Rogue Traders, there are those xenos pronounced so dangerous, vile, or otherwise undesirable that not even a Rogue Trader is permitted contact with them. A number of them have been known to exhibit a strange "sixth-sense" which, while not a true psychic ability, quite possibly stems from the Warp. "War is the natural state of man, for it is in battle that he has made his greatest achievements. Despite the risks they take, often without even realising the danger, many of these explorers appear to be watched over by the Emperor Himself. The most common types of conditions attached to a Warrant of Trade are discussed below. which they would face their destiny was not that of the battlefield, but of deep and uncharted space. The tools of his trade are words as well as weapons, and he is adept at negotiating with even the most belligerent societies, whether Human or alien, he might encounter amongst the stars. the fringes of Imperial space. The potential of new worlds, alien civilisations, and unimaginable resources made necessary a class of free-ranging Imperial agents known as Rogue Traders. These are intended to serve the needs of administrating any worlds conquered in the course of the fleet's travels. He knew every resource would be These bloodthirsty Rogue Traders are commonly known by the general populace of the Imperium as Traders Militant, and their Warrant is often referred to by their fellows as a "Warlord Warrant.". They may not steer the helm of their void cruiser, nor fire and aim every Macrocannon in person, but the Rogue Trader selects and commands those who do and it is their orders that are obeyed. See more ideas about rogue traders, rogues, space marine. Intelligence on such lost worlds might be incomplete or compromised, based on accounts long out of date or deliberately covered up. Operating so far ahead of the Emperor's crusading armies, the Rogue Traders Militant could expect little or no aid should they encounter foes too powerful for them to overcome. Warrants are issued for many reasons. I start a Rogue Trader RPG game with a bunch of goons - what can go wrong? The sovereign domain of the Ultramarines Chapter -- once thought inviolable given its peerless infrastructure and many-layered defences -- had been broken open and brought to ruin on a dozen fronts by the Daemon Primarch Mortarion and his Death Guard during the conflicts known as the Plague Wars. Such missions are never what could be described as diplomatic, unless a transmission demanding immediate surrender can be counted as an ambassadorial communiqué. They tend not to wear conspicuous weaponry, yet only a fool would assume that such an individual would be unable to defend themselves. An individual of a militant disposition may closely oversee the deployment of the fleet's military forces, while a particularly belligerent one may actually take a hand in the fighting. Not only that, but Rogue Traders are granted the permission and freedom to deal with these cultures as they see fit, so long as it is judged to be in the interests of the Imperium. A few are influential civilians, amongst whom the Navigators are the most famous. The annals of the Imperium contain many unfortunate incidents in which a Rogue Trader fleet, returning victorious from a decades-long expedition, has returned unheralded to the Imperium only to become embroiled with an Imperial Navy battlegroup. Others spend time on the General Staff of the Astra Militarum, or in other divisions such as the Administratum. Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader RPG Subreddit r/ RogueTrader40k. The answers to these questions are as varied, and as telling, as the men and women who give them. "To war, to death, and to the God-Emperor! An entire Imperial class has grown up over the millennia existing solely to meet the demands of interplanetary commerce. The explorer is often far more concerned with following some obscure archival reference to a lost world of alien wonders than he is with the responsibilities that come with being the head of a largely mercantile Rogue Trader house. While most Imperial Commanders occupy a hereditary seat of power only relinquished and passed on in the event of their own death, there are those who do pass beyond even such a lofty position and take to the stars as Rogue Traders. The granting of a Warrant of Trade has the potential to establish a hugely powerful noble line, which, if successful, can grow over the generations to become equal to the most ancient of Navigator clans and merchant houses. It can be a starship drawn from a variety of standard Cruiser classes. Some such individuals may be appointed to Rogue Trader status and given the opportunity to conquer for themselves, and for the Imperium, a new planet. Each Rogue Trader fleet took a different heading, their Navigators guiding them through the Warp towards destinations unknown. Taking part in a war, whether as a belligerent or simply an interested party, is expensive, risky, deadly, and has brought ruin to more Rogue Trader houses than can be counted. A long-lost archival record might suggest that a region is populated by isolated Human worlds or a space-faring alien culture. 40k Stories: Rogue Traders - YouTube. These men and women stand above the teeming masses of the Imperium, the sheer force of their personality propelling them to achieve great things in service to the Imperium and themselves. During these periods they may come into conflict with members of the Adeptus Terra or the Inquisition. They are then given a stipend and sent to learn about the unforgiving galaxy. Finally, some Rogue Trader Warrants allow the bearer to requisition units of the Imperial Guard. The Footfallen are often referred to as "the true children of the Expanse." The authorities often overlook even the most questionable actions of many Rogue Traders, even if word does get back to Terra, so long as the Imperium's best interests are served. Many a Rogue Trader has allowed their curiosity to get the better of them, and those few that have survived contact with the proscribed xenos have later faced the wrath of the Inquisition and forfeiture of their Warrant of Trade. Through their long and varied careers, some officers of the Administratum might amass considerable personal power, holding sway over a small empire of divisions and departments with responsibilities across dozens of planetary systems. If the Rogue Trader is not already versed in the skills needed to command a fleet and has not appointed a servant who is, then the authorities will find one qualified to handle the day-to-day running of the flotilla. Rogue Traders from a merchant background are often the most astute and successful, equally at home facing an opponent across the negotiating table as on the field of battle -- though sometimes the two are one and the same. 1550 Pennsylvania Highway 903, Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania 18229, United States. Rogue Traders are among the few authorised by the Imperium to have any dealings with the xenos other than through the barrel of a Bolter, and these dealings, whether from trade or clandestine archeological digs, are the source of much profit and power… For these Rogue Traders, the Warrant of Trade is a bitter reward, for it signals the victory of their political opponents. Few know what horrors lurk on the worlds beyond the sentinels or what detestable alien life forms call them home. One thing is for certain, though. In their task of exploring and exploiting the still-uncharted regions of the galaxy for Mankind, Rogue Traders might come across worlds harbouring long-forgotten Human civilisations which will be later incorporated into the Imperium by official Adeptus Mechanicus Explorator fleets and expeditions of the Imperial Navy and Astra Militarum. Certain powerful lords of the Adeptus Terra offer Warrants of Trade as a bribe to their rivals. Such individuals are often reviled by their peers within the Imperial hierarchy, who view them merely as treading water until their privileged birthright recalls them, but many do indeed learn vital skills that will one day serve them -- and their house -- well. There are many such outposts, but the most famous is the void-station of Footfall, which has in turn given those who live in such places their name: the Footfallen. Indeed, many are so tempted, and some do try to escape. Hot. Rogue Trader is the second of a series of Warhammer 40,000 tabletop roleplaying games. In appearance, these machiavellian princelings often prefer to remain comparatively inconspicuous. Plenty of Rogue Trader fleets are furthermore accompanied by entire populations of colonists, volunteers or otherwise, who will settle newly discovered worlds so that the Imperium's borders are expanded from one generation to the next. He will as such take great steps to protect his investments against competitors and pirates and maintain the very best personal guards. Some spend a lifetime out beyond the fringes, laying waste to Emperor-knows how many worlds, while others return periodically to the Imperium, announcing their deeds and expecting all manner of grand receptions and official ceremonies. And Tons of preowned models. Certain favoured individuals may even call upon detachments of Space Marines having entered pacts with individual Chapters. Before they know it, the Rogue Trader is forced to act against the interests of the Imperium -- and finds themself the target of the Emperor's retribution. The people who live on these worlds and settlements truck with all manner of blasphemers, from Renegade psykers and xenos, to Heretics and Chaos Cultists. As time goes on and the family continues to grow, it develops into a Rogue Trader Dynasty -- able to command scores of voidcraft and countless troops. Such individuals carry themselves with swaggering self-assurance, and through long practice are able to bluff their way into the courts of kings and the bedchambers of princesses with equal panache. Within the Imperium of Man there are those who sit at the pinnacle of power -- the nobility and the ruling elite. Punishment and death for the guilty. These individuals soon find out that the Imperium is not so foolish as to allow the Rogue Trader to get away without first putting in place at least one contingency plan. The more recent Letters of Marque are also not hereditary; hopeful heirs must return and reapply to the High Lords of Terra through the Administratum for a new charter. Each has costs and benefits which must be carefully weighed before a Rogue Trader can gather men to his flag. The Rogue Traders Militant were expected to scout ahead of the leading edge of the Great Crusade, accompanied by their own armies as well as whatever assets had been ceded them by the Emperor. The greatest reward is fortune, obtained by trade or conquest. In some cases, the Space Marines of the Adeptus Astartes might accompany the fleet, usually for a short time only, but occasionally for extended periods. Many Rogue Traders are scoundrels of the worst order, despite all the trappings of power they display. Alternatively, a strike against a location particularly valued by the Imperial Commander might change his stance: the destruction of a luxurious winter palace or rural hunting lodge, for example. Mercantile Rogue Traders often dress in the manner of opulent heads of state, bedecking themselves in fine jewellery, most of which is in fact some hidden weapon, force field, or sensor. If the interests are aliens, and the competitors Human, then the Rogue Trader may well find themselves on the wrong side in a war that soon escalates far and above a trade dispute. The subjects often fight all the harder than the followers of other types of Rogue Trader, for they are driven by their loss and motivated by the need to claim for themselves some manner of recompense. Violence is rarely the first option for such Rogue Traders, and they often maintain a mask of self-effacing amiability. Apr 1, 2016 - Explore Thabaddon's board "40k: Rogue Traders", followed by 131 people on Pinterest. There could be found opportunity, hope -- and such danger that meant many of the Rogue Traders would never return. Their vessels often take on the appearance of space-going palaces crammed with all manner of outrageous ostentation. See more ideas about Warhammer 40k artwork, Warhammer 40000, Rogue traders. Dress uniforms and badges of office will be flaunted, retinues and honour guards deployed, bands assembled, and flags waved. This page was last edited on 3 October 2020, at 05:45. [5], Certain powerful lords of the Adeptus Terra offer warrants of trade as a bribe to their rivals, especially if those rivals have ambitions for higher station. Just why a highly placed official would desire the Warrant of Trade will depend on their own particular, sometimes flawed, personality, and the manner in which they attain it will depend on their circumstance, or on situations they can engineer. They come from a wide range of backgrounds, but all appear fêted, or cursed, by the title they bear. They see the establishment of profitable commerce with re-contacted Human societies as part of the great scheme put in motion when the Emperor first went out into the stars 10,000 standard years ago during the Great Crusade and found Human societies lost for millennia from a prior age of exploration and settlement. Other times they find empty or alien-dominated planets ripe for colonisation, conquest or exploitation by the Imperium -- and themselves. can they survive? 6 bids. The Battle-Brothers of the Adeptus Astartes are arguably the finest warriors in the galaxy. That being said, it is not unheard of for Space Marine Chapters to assist Rogue Traders in times of war, especially when the need is great or their goals are aligned. Even in the face of outright rebellion against the Imperium, many heads of Rogue Trader houses will support their offspring. Sometimes the Rogue Trader's compliance might be guaranteed by more subtle means, such as the promise of further powers or the granting of additional assets at various stages in a voyage. The Warrant of Trade is a potent document, not only allowing Rogue Traders to trade beyond the bounds of the Imperium and operate beyond Imperial oversight, but also make war in the Emperor's name. He can trade with xenos, seize worlds in the Emperor's name, field armies from his ship (note that the Army got split into the Guard and the Navy, but he can still be a ship, with a regiment). They must protect their interests by any means possible -- for some, that means maintaining small private armies or sponsoring mercenaries for just such a purpose. Other significant assets gifted to a Rogue Trader may include ground troops. Rogue Traders of this type often delegate the less stimulating aspects of their rank to their underlings or associates. One of the most common circumstances under which a Warrant of Trade is offered is in recognition of military service to the Imperium. Some remained out of pride, some out of duty, some out of a sense of adventure -- but all were to find themselves set on a new path that would see them meet either victory or inglorious damnation. The Realm of Ultramar had been afflicted with plagues, each supernatural in origin and voracious in its spread. The bearer of a sacred Warrant of Trade that empowers them to journey beyond the boundaries of the Imperium to trade, explore, and make war in the God-Emperor's name, a Rogue Trader is a unique figure in the grim darkness of the Imperium. Information in the article needs to be linked to an accepted source. This is hardly surprising, as they are expected to command entire armadas of voidships, and few would wish to delegate such responsibility to a subordinate. Many of these officials will have been assigned to such tasks as the suppression of a rebellious sector, or enforcing the Imperium's rule on Human enclaves recently re-discovered and brought back into fold. Rogue Trader Warrants are hereditary. Perhaps an Imperial Commander has lost their world to alien invasion, yet has retained a measure of their assets, such as their own Planetary Defence Forces and fleets. These restrictions may be of geographical nature (e.g. These dynasties are granted a personal coat of arms identifying their members amongst the Imperial nobility. When a Rogue Trader goes about the business of raising troops for war he has three options: raise the troops and form units himself, hire established mercenary groups, or officially acquire forces of the Imperium's military through the exercise of his Warrant. We stock older models from the 1990's and up. : restrict the Rogue Trader into a single sector) or something similar. A Rogue Trader can be many things but whether standing as diplomat before a planetary ruler, cutting a shadowed deal in a void station undercity, bellowing orders amidst an armed host set upon plunder, or striding the bridge of a mighty starship, they remain one thing above all -- free. Revocation means the effective death of a Rogue Trader line, its powers and privileges lost for all time. needed to save Mankind, and even as he took the fight to Humanity's enemies, his statesman-like mind dwelled on how the Imperium would recover from its losses. They are tailor-made and unique. If merely rich in technology or minerals, a planet may be plundered, and the Rogue Trader will return to Terra laden with the treasures of space -- alien artefacts, rare and precious minerals, and undreamed-of technologies. Many of the assembled Rogue Traders had guessed the purpose of the quorum by the time they had arrived, for Ultramar had been ravaged by war. These worlds are giant melting pots of cultures and beliefs, and only through them can one get useful information on the Koronus Expanse. If they decide a xenos race may be of use to Humanity, they may attempt to make contact and establish relations. Such is Human nature, however, that hubris and greed has got the better of some, and they have determined to take total power of the realms they have conquered. While some military scholars will argue otherwise, claiming that superior training can overcome inferior equipment, it does not matter how good an infantryman's training has been if his Lasgun will not shoot and his armour is in tatters. First 40K Releases. A great many Rogue Traders have served in the Imperial Navy. In the Koronus Expanse, the few waystations and habitations established by Humans have become hubs for exploration. Such an honour cannot be refused, and the newly appointed Rogue Trader has no choice but to accept their fate, demurring politely as speeches are made in honour of all the great deeds they will perform in this, their ultimate service to the Imperium that appreciates them so. Upon being granted the Warrant, the Inquisitor will understand that they have no alternative but to accept. No Rogue Trader wishes to become embroiled in such a war, but sometimes it simply cannot be avoided. In the case of Human societies re-discovered after generations of isolation from the broader galaxy, they may establish a system of feudal duty, whereby the planet is required to send its warriors to serve in the Rogue Trader's fleets, or they may be forced to demand or coerce service in their armies. I bring justice and truth for the loyal, punishment and death for the guilty, and the spoils I take by my own hand.". Their fleets are massive conglomerations of whatever vessels escaped the destruction of their planet, accompanied by whatever assets the Imperium might assign to them. Some will desire to carve small stellar empires beyond the reach of the Imperium, while others may want to establish the foundations of a mighty noble lineage, even if they themselves will not be around to see how future generations prosper. 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