But this scattered and heterogeneous empire required a large standing army and a strong central government to hold it together. at the will of both, for if a demise be made to hold at the will of the lessor, the law implies that it is at the will of the lessee also and vice versa. Examples of hold in in a sentence: 1. Part of a collection of free grammar and writing worksheets from K5 Learning; no login required. Tom is the tallest in his class. On the accession of her brother Edward, Æthelflaed and her husband continued to hold Mercia. He stretched out his hand to take hold of the purse. Let's go up river a way and you can hold my rope. said the old prince, keeping hold of the hand and offering his cheek to be kissed. I finally got a hold of him at the airport in Richmond that afternoon. It should also here be noticed that the changes introduced into the holding of the fiefs, whether by altering their boundaries or substituting Frankish for Lombard vassals, were chief among the causes why the feudal system took no permanent hold in Italy. This element was introduced via Torres Strait, and spread down the Queensland coast to portions of the New South Wales littoral, and also round the Gulf of Carpentaria, but has never been able to obtain a hold in the more arid interior. She continued to hold him about the neck until he slowly pried her arm away and pushed himself to a half-sitting position, her leg still tightly locked over him. Effie Quincy rushed in the door while Dean was drumming his fingers, listening to waltz music on hold. Tell Denisov, 'at the first shot at daybreak,' said Dolokhov and was about to ride away, but Petya seized hold of him. https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-s-1624-simple-sentence-worksheets If for no other reason than the prominent place they hold in art, it would not be right to pass by the Stigmata without a special mention. He struck off toward the hold at the center of the city, where Memon would be. in 1227 granted to "the mayor and good men" of Grimsby, that they should hold the town for a yearly rent of fill, and confirmed the same in 1271. Complex sentences are introduced. A defendant who is found by the court beyond a reasonable doubt to be a persistent offender shall receive a sentence … 166+9 sentence examples: 1. The men now take hold of the bull-wheels and draw up the slack until the sinker-bar rises, the ' play ' of the jars allowing it to come up 13 in. Her broken body clenched in his arms, Taran staggered up the stairs and raced through the hold, shouting at people who got in his way. Anna Mikhaylovna also had of late visited them less frequently, seemed to hold herself with particular dignity, and always spoke rapturously and gratefully of the merits of her son and the brilliant career on which he had entered. Chicheley now became the subject of a leading case, the court of king's bench deciding, of ter arguments reheard in three successive terms, that he could not hold his previous benefices with the bishopric, and that, spite of the maxim Papa potest omnia, a papal bull could not supersede the law of the land (Year-book ii. "Come here," said Rostov, catching hold of Telyanin's arm and almost dragging him to the window. Sentence Structure Worksheets. Texas Felony Crimes by Class and Sentences. He went limp, and she struggled to hold him up. 2. He would lay hold of anything "if it had but the force of authority," rather than have none. With a frown, she wondered why she'd never seen it before, why she wasted seven years trying to make things work with someone who couldn't hold a candle to the man she was meant to be with. His neck darkened, but he continued to hold her hand. Any defendant with two prior Class C or D felony convictions is considered a habitual offender. The peasantry preserve a grave and quiet demeanour, but they have their humble ideas of gaiety, and hold their gatherings on occasions of births or marriages. And the Cossacks looked round in surprise at the sound, like the yelp of a dog, with which Denisov turned away, walked to the wattle fence, and seized hold of it. He can run … The attention he had paid to chemistry in the earlier part of his career enabled him to hold his own in this position, but he found his work more congenial when in 1887 he was transferred to the professorship of physics. "Do we have enough men to hold the southern wall?" "Hold on," Brooks replied.Hold on...(you're waiting ten minutes on the phone)...(10 minutes later)...Sorry to keep you waiting. But Anna Mikhaylovna went forward a step or two to keep her hold on the portfolio, and changed her grip. 1. Leather.Tanning and leather-dressing are widely spread industries, and the same may be said of the manufacture of boots and shoes, though these trades employ more hands in the department of Seine than elsewhere; in the manufacture of gloves Isre (Grenoble) and Aveyron (Millau) hold the first place amongst French departments. We went out to the pump-house, and I made Helen hold her mug under the spout while I pumped. Types Of Sentences Exercises For Class 6 With Answers – English Grammar. krene-te) who form a council and, like the baryaktar, hold their office by hereditary right; they preside over the assemblies of the tribesmen, which exercise the supreme legislative power. "Hold 'em, Dusty," Damian shouted and placed his hands on the wall. The glossy color photo displayed a concentrated young woman, hand-climbing upside down, across a rock face that looked devoid of any hint of a hand hold. HEATHEN, a term originally applied to all persons or races who did not hold the Jewish or Christian belief, thus including Mahommedans. Eliminating a and b between these relations, we derive P k V k /Tk= 8R, a relation which should hold between the critical constants of any substance. Mr. Mayer did say he was going to talk to them about some sort of advance to hold me over. Everybody can fly without wings when they hold on to their dreams. What do you think I've been going through lately... wanting to tell you, wanting to hold you in my arms - not knowing if you felt the way I did. "It was a last grasp try to hold the five of us together; for the children," I added. Subsequently, by obtaining from the Tsungli-Yaman a long lease of Port Arthur and Talienwan and a concession to unite those ports with the Trans-Siberian by a branch line, she tightened her hold on that portion of the Chinese empire and prepared to complete the work of aggression by so-called " spontaneous infiltration.". How to use hold on in a sentence. The property rights of husband and wife are nearly equal; a wife may hold her property the same as if single, and a widower or a widow is entitled to the use for life of one-third of the real estate of which his or her deceased consort was seized at the time of his or her death. shouted Prince Andrew, and, scarcely able to hold up the heavy standard, he ran forward with full confidence that the whole battalion would follow him. Much that I hold sweetest, much that I hold most precious, I owe to her. From the death of Count Bezukhov he did not let go his hold of the lad. Class 3 Felonies. This was a candle of very large dimensions, set in a candlestick big enough to hold it, which was usually placed on the north side, just below the first ascent to the high altar. Though for the present the Sultan regained his hold upon Egypt, yet in reality Bonaparte set in motion forces which could not be stayed until the ascendancy of one or other of the western maritime powers in that land was definitely decided. She could not-- would not-- hold Evelyn responsible for everything. There are many others who seem even more eager to hold on to the old century. Martha asked if she'd like to hold the baby, thrilling Molly further. They just got all excited and had me hold a couple of rooms. Under the revised code (1905) a wife may hold property which she had acquired before marriage free from any obligation of her husband, but in general she is not permitted to make contracts affecting either her personal or real estate without the written consent of her husband. He continued to hold it but pointed it downward. Selecting a pair of shorts and a halter-top to wear around the house, she searched for something to hold the hair off the back of her neck. hold onto in a sentence - Use "hold onto" in a sentence 1. When the tune starts galloping, you need reins to, (131) These beautiful new books, filled with morals and happy endings, help us, (133) Intermittent war rages across Ulthuan once more as the Dark Elves consolidate their, (134) I try to grasp his leg, but it is hard to, (136) You sit on the saddle and try and keep your balance and, (138) Recognizing the all-too familiar symptoms, Manville fought against the gathering depression before it took too firm a, (140) He wasn't sure that he would be given a chance to, (143) The effect was devastating, seriously weakening Mrs Thatcher's, (144) Investors can sell shares in the companies they dislike, and, (145) Far from being a challenger for power, it could not even. It is a hot day. When ordered abroad they could nominate a son, if capable, to hold the benefice and carry on the duty. A Persian fleet still held the sea, but it effected little, and presently fresh Graeco-Macedonian squadrons began to hold it in check. We use words when we speak or write. Drowsiness was beginning to take hold of her. She didn't hold a candle to Suzie Clements. As followers rapidly increased they were compelled to hold their own Sunday services, and this naturally led them to appoint as preachers godly laymen possessing the gift of exhortation. As a natural result of this belief we find the view that the operations of nature are conducted by a multitude of more or less obedient subordinate deities; thus, in Portuguese West Africa the Kimbunda believe in Suku-Vakange, but hold that he has committed the government of the universe to innumerable kilulu good and bad; the latter kind are held to be far more numerous, but Suku-Vakange is said to keep them in order by occasionally smiting them with his thunderbolts; were it not for this, man's lot would be insupportable. He followed Hilden silently through the hold to the dungeon, drawing his sword as they neared the door. The corporation of Glasgow having persisted in its efforts to obtain a licence, the Treasury appointed Sheriff Andrew Jameson (afterwards Lord Ardwall) a special commissioner to hold a local inquiry in Glasgow to report whether the telephone service in that city was adequate and efficient and whether it was expedient to grant the corporation a licence. He seized the door, making a final effort to hold it back--to lock it was no longer possible--but his efforts were weak and clumsy and the door, pushed from behind by that terror, opened and closed again. The walls will hold, and as Rissa knows, Memon's forces are not yet large enough to threaten us. We therefore hold that the law of the seventh-day Sabbath goes back to the Mosaic age. Many observers hold the view that the chromosomes are pulled apart by the contraction of the fibres to which they are attached. While he didn't want to hold back important information, neither did he wish to unduly upset the nervous woman any further. whispered Gerasim to the porter. The fore-legs of many male dyticids have the three proximal foot-segments broad and saucer-shaped, and covered with suckers, by means of which they secure a firm hold of their mates. He arrogated to himself the privileges of royalty, made servants attend him upon their knees, compelled bishops to tie his shoelatchets and dukes to hold the basin while he washed his hands, and considered it condescension when he allowed ambassadors to kiss his fingers; he paid little heed to their sacrosanct character, and himself laid violent hands on a papal nuncio. The expedition was by no means a success, but Moshesh, with that peculiar statecraft for which he was famous, saw that he could not hope permanently to hold out against the British troops, and followed up his successful skirmishes with General Cathcart by writing him a letter, in which he said: "As the object for which you have come is to have a compensation for Boers, I beg you will be satisfied with what you have taken. This society early began td hold a great show of live stock, implements, &c. In 1842 certain Midlothian tenant-farmers had the merit of originating an Agricultural Chemistry Association (the first of its kind), by which funds were raised for the purpose of conducting such investigations as the title of the society implies. He was at Warsaw when his master died in 1733, and he secured a hold on the confidence of the electoral prince, Frederick Augustus, who was at Dresden, by laying hands on the papers and jewels of the late ruler and bringing them promptly to his successor. Go and take something, my poor Anna Mikhaylovna, or you will not hold out. The last item on Dean's list of pleasurable activities was punching one if you want this and two if you want that buttons, then sitting on hold while listening to elevator music from some bureaucratic office. Sharp to hold the maggots between their mandibles and induce them to spin together the leaves of trees from which they form their shelters, as the adult ants have no silk-producing organs. "You'll have to hold on to me," he spoke gruffly over a shoulder. We usually use these words in a group in correct order. I don't know if a man can understand this, but I want to hold a baby in my arms and know it's a part of me and the man I love. How to use hold in a sentence. The creditor could only hold a wife or child three years as mancipium. He can sell the certificate, use it as collateral, or hold it for the future. Sometimes, as in Pholcus, it is merely a thin network of silk just sufficient to hold the eggs together. Peucestas, the new satrap of Persis, followed the example of Alexander, and thus gained a strong hold on his subjects (Diod. hold on a second in a sentence - Use "hold on a second" in a sentence 1. In John Houghton's Collections on Husbandry and Trade, a periodical work begun in 1681, there is one of the earliest notices of turnips being eaten by sheep:" Some in Essex have their fallow after turnips, which feed their sheep in winter, by which means the turnips are scooped, and so made capable to hold dews and rain water, which, by corrupting,; _ mbibes the nitre of the air, and when the shell breaks it runs about and fertilizes. The roll of twine was getting small, and it was a nuisance to hold the spool while trying to turn pages, so she unrolled the rest of the twine and tied the end around her waist. He permitted laymen to hold certain public offices, under surveillance of the prelates, organized a guard from among the Roman nobility, decreed a plan for redeeming the base coinage, permitted the communes a certain degree of municipal liberty, and promised the liquidation of the public debt. Hence the rivers that flow in the opposite direction into the Adriatic and the Gulf of Taranto have much longer courses, though all partake of the character of mountain torrents, rushing down with great violence in winter and after storms, but dwindling in the summer into scanty streams, which hold a winding and sluggish course through the great plains of Apulia. 2. Hold on to me tight. But he was not qualified to hold his own in the intrigues of court and parliament in London. One man, older than the others present, suddenly pushed forward with a scared and angry look and wanted to seize hold of Dolokhov's shirt. Her legs were too weak to hold her, and he lowered her to the ground. Another was the fashion for the king to hold wassail with his courtiers, in which he unbent to an extent scandalous to the Greeks, dancing or indulging in routs and practical jokes.'. Thus we find dictators destined to hold the elections, to make out the list of the senate, to celebrate games, to establish festivals, and to drive the nail into the temple of Jupiter - an act of natural magic which was believed to avert pestilence. "I recalled all the assassins and put a hold on all soul collections for a week or so," Gabe answered. She made no move to pull free despite his loose hold. Fines can go up to $30,000.00. We were the best of buddies, once she got hold of the photo. The young fellow on the box jumped down to hold the horses and Anatole and Dolokhov went along the pavement. But you.d hold her down and take her blood. "Hurrah!" At least two (2) Class A or any combination of three (3) Class A or Class B felony convictions if the defendant's conviction offense is a Class A or B felony. You simply cannot write properly without understanding sentence structure. "Hold on, Darian," she whispered, tears blurring her vision. Even ever-smiling Maria, the newly hired helper, put her smile on hold and looked ready to cry. They invited Carmen to join, but it was obvious that their skills were far better and she would only hold them back. Extended Sentences The keeper of the bears made one big black fellow stand on his hind legs and hold out his great paw to us, which Helen shook politely. The soldiers in their greatcoats were ranged in lines, the sergeants major and company officers were counting the men, poking the last man in each section in the ribs and telling him to hold his hand up. Maybe she could hold him off until Alex arrived. Class B felonies could result in a jail sentence of two (2) years up to twenty (20) years. Dorothy grabbed fast hold of the buggy top and the boy did the same. 2. Panting and exhausted, Deidre couldn't have moved, had he not shifted to hold her against him. So hold these thoughts, as we will be returning to them. Review of fragments versus sentences and practice rewriting simple sentences as compound sentences and vice versa. Those of warmer countries cannot be cultivated in British gardens without protection from the rigours of winter; still less are they able to hold their own unaided in an unfavourable climate. A leading website for all types of educational content. All inmates are placed in Class II status when they arrive at ADC. Hold on a second; let me see if I have exact change. Unhappily, clinging to the conviction that all the lands which the crusaders would traverse were the "lost provinces" of his empire, he induced the crusaders to do him homage, so that, whatever they conquered, they would conquer in his name, and whatever they held, they would hold by his grant and as his vassals. Some authorities hold that Egyptian civilization came from Babylonia, and that the so-called Hamitic languages are older and less specialized members of the Semitic family. (If that can be achieved, to my readers under age twelve, I hold out the possibility of Brussels sprouts that taste like chocolate.). Hence we find that beetles of some kind can hold their own anywhere on the earth's surface. The content is carefully designed to give the students in-depth knowledge so as to help and develop their communicative competence. I like sometimes to take rank hold on life and spend my day more as the animals do. A term originally applied to all persons or races who did not hold a. Spoken of as a people n't defeat me and Hell could n't break, so he is Orosius... Encouraged him to a trot to escape from the Count are treacherous, untruthful and onto. While she talked to him center of the sea-bed Breathe in, take what you meant in the diner you... Strong central government to hold his wife but she pushed him away and glared at him ) obtained... 'S magic, and I now have plans to get a hold on to you. 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