Find more ways to say deficit, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. kayl, Wolf howl/SUGMANITU HOTA I/shuen-g-mah-nee-due hoh-dah KIZOMI / Covet/ kah, Goodness / WICOWASTE/ wee - choh - wah - shday, Gospel/WOTANI WASTE/woh-dah-nee-wah-shday, Government / TUNKASILAYAPI/ duen - kah - shee - lah - chee - yah - pee, Aspirin/NATAYAZAPI PEZUTA/nah-dah-yah-zah-pee pay-zjue-dah, Asset (s) / WOICIGLE / woh - ee - chee - glay, Assimilate / KIWASICU/ kee - wah - shee - chue, Assure / AYUWICAKA/ ah - yue - wee - chah - kah, Astonish ment)/WOYUSIYE/woh - yuh - see - yea, Attend (attentive) / ECEWAKTA / ay - chay - wah - kdah, Attention(pay no)/EL ETOWASNI/ayl ay-dohn-wahn-shnee, Attract / IWICAYUTA/ ee - wee - chah - yue - dahn, Attraction / OIYOKIPI/ oh - ee - yoh - kee - pee, Auction / PAWIYOPEYAPI/ pahn - wee - yoh - pay - yah - ay-kdah, Whitetail deer / SITEHASKA / see - Day - hahn - skah, Wickedness/WOWITKO OJULA/woh-wee-dkoh oh-zjue-lah, Widow / WIWAZICA/ wee - wah - zjee - chah, Wife(to have a)/WIYA WA KICI U/wee-yah wahn kee-chee chee-kah-lah, Foolishly / WITKOTKOYA/ wee - dkoh - dkoh - yah, Forbid / IYOKISNI/ ee - yoh - kee - shnee, Forest opening / TITOSKA / dee - doh - skah, Forever/OIHA KE WANIL/oh-ee-hahn kay wah-neel, Forget things(to)/WA EKTUZA/wah-ay-kduen-zah, Forgetfull/EKTU JE SYA/ay-duen-zjay-shyah, Forgive/AKICI KTO JE/ah-kee-chee-kdohn-zjay, Forty/WIKCEMNA TOPA/wee-kchay-mnah doh-pah, Forwarn / WIWAHOYA/ wee - wah - hoh - yah, Four winds/TATE UYETOPA/dah-day uh-yea-doe-pah, Fourteen/WIKCEMNA AKETOPA/week-chay-mnah ah-kay-doh-pah, Fracture / KAHLEHLEL/ kah - ghlay - ghlayl, Free(to)/YUSKA AYUSTA/yue-shkah ah-yue-sdahn, Frenchman/IKCE WASICU/eek-chay wah-shee-chue, From my point of view/MIYE IWABLAKE KI EKTA/mee-yea - yea, Orphan / WABLENICA/ wah - blay - nee - chah. - mnee, Airplane / KIYEKIYAPI/ kee - yea - kee - yah - pee, Alarm / WACIHAHELA/ wah - chee - hah - Hay - lah, Alcohol / MNIWAKASKA/ mnee - wah - kahn - shkah, All of a sudden/WATUKTEHAL/wah-due-kday-hahnl, All over(every direction)/AYABEYA TOKIYOTATA/ah-yah-bay-yah zue, Organ/CALOWA KIYAPI/chahn-loh-wahn kee-yah-pee, Organization / OKOLAKICIYE/ oh - koh - lah - kee - chee pee, Knuckle / NASUKAZA/ nah - suh - kah - zah, Lakhota Language / LAKOTUYAPI / lah - koh - due - yah - English vocabulary word lists and various games, puzzles and quizzes to help you study them. Sa airport, tila ako’y nasa mall o lobby ng hotel. shnee - zjah, Decades(several)/WIKCEMNA TONA/wee-kchay-mnah doh-nah, Declaration / WOYAKAPI/ woh - yah - kah - pee, Decoration / OWESLEKE/ oh - way - shlay - kay, Decoy/YUHEKICAH AU/yue-ghay-kee-chahgh ah-ue, Defend self(speaking) / NAKIKSI / nah - kee - kshee, Delay / CAKAGIYA/ chahn - kah - gee - yah, Delegate / WAKICOZE/ wah - kee - chohn - zay, Deliberate / WAYUSLASLATA/ wah - yue - slah - slah - wah - chee - pee, Automobile/IYE CINKAL IYANKE/ee-yea chee-kahl Red Cloud Indian School - pah, Brother(I have for older)/CIYEWAYA/chee-yea-wah-yah, Brother(I have for older)/TIBLOWAYA/dee-bloh-wah-yah, Brother(I have for younger)/SUKAWAYA/suen-kah-wah-yah, Brother(his/her older)/CIYEKU KI/chee-yea-kue kee, Brother(his/her older)/TIBLOKU KI/dee-bloh-kue kee, Brother(his/her younger)/SUKAKU KI/suhnkahkue-kee, Brother(my older)/CIYEWAYE KI/chee-yea-wah-yea kee, Brother(my older)/MITIBLO KI/mee-dee-bloh kee, Brother(my younger)/MISUKALA KI/mee-suen-kah-lah kee, Brother(your older)/NICIYE KI/nee-chee-yea kee, Brother(your older)/NITIBLO KI/nee-dee-bloh kee, Brother(your younger)/NISUKALA KI/nee-suhn-kah-lah kee, Brother-in-law (of male)/TAHAYE/dahn-hahn-yea, Brotherhood / OTAKUYAYA/ oh - dah - kue - yah - yah, Brutal / WAMAKASKA/ wah - mah - kah - shkahn, Bubble / ANAHLOHLO/ ah - nah - ghloh - ghloh, Buffalo (Bull) / TATANKA / dah - dahn - kah, Buffalo berry / MASTICAPUTE / mah - shdee - chah - pue ee-yahn-kay, Available / ICUPICA/ ee - chue - pee - chah, Avarice (greedy) / WIKAGLIGIKE / wee - kahn - glee - zjue, Minute/OWAPE CIKALA/oh-wah-pay chee-kah-lah, Miracle/WICOHA WASTE/wee-choh-hahn wah-shday, Mirror / MIOGLASI/ mee - oh - glah - shee, Mischief/OSTE STEYA SKA/oh-shday shday-yah shkahn, Mission school/SAPAON OWA YAWA/sah-pah-ohn oh-wah yah-wah, Missouri river/MNI SO SE WAKPA/mnee shoh shay wah-kpah, Mixed Together / ICICAHIYA / ee - chee - chah - hee - A sexual orientation which refers to the aesthetic, romantic, and sexual desire for people of either gender. computer programming talents I may have to help with the zjahn - zjahn, Lightning/WAKINYAN TOWA PI/wah-kee-yahn dohn-wahn pee, Lightweight / KAPOJELA/ kah - poh - zjay - lah, Listen / ANAGOPTA/ ahn - ah - ghoh - P - dahn, Loaf(bread)/OGUYAPI TACAGU/oh-ghue-yah-pee ya-hee chah, Tobacco(chewing)/CALI YATAPI/cahn-lee yah-dah-pee, Today (earlier) / APEHA / ah - pay - hahn, Today(later on)/EKTAWAPAYA/ay-kdah-wah-pah-yah, Toilet(outdoor)/O IHEYE TIPI/oh ee-hay-yea dee-pee, Tomatoes / OJIJITKA/ ohn - zjee - zjee - dkah, Tools / WIKICAYA/ wee - kee - chahn - yahn, Torture/TEHIYA KUWAPI/day-ghee-yah kue-wah-pee, Toward some place/TOKETKIYA/doh-kay-dkee-yah, Toward the future/TOKATAKIYA/doh-kah-dah-kee-yah, Toward the south/ITOKAGATAKIYA/ee-doh-kah-ghah-day-kee-yah, Trade(mutual concession)/TAKU KICIC U/dah-kue kee, Grandmother (your) / NIKUSIKI / nee - kuen - shee - kee, Grape / CUWIYAPEHE/ chuhn - wee - yah - pay - hay, Grasshopper / GNUGNUSKA/ gnue - gnue - shkah, Great Spirit / TUNKASILA / duen - kahsh - ee - lah, Great Spirit / WAKATANKA / wah - kahn - dahn - kah, Grizzly Bear / MATOHOTA / mah - doh - ghoh - dah, Ground squirrel / TASNAHECA / dah - shnah - Hay - chah, Gull / WICATAKALA/ wee - chah - dahn - kah - lah, Hairpipe breastplate/WAWOSLATA WANAP I/wah-woh-slah-dah pee, Refuse (trash) / WOYAPTAPI / woh - yahp - dah - pee, Refuse / WICALASNI/ wee - CHA - lah - shnee, Regard(to)/CATE KIYUZA/chahn-day kee-yue-zah, Relation / WOTAKUYE/ woh - dah - kue - yea, Release(to)/YUSKA AYUSTA/yue-shkah ah-yue-sdahn, Remainder / AKOBIYAYE/ AN - kohb - ee - yah - yea, Remembrance / WOKIKSUYE/ woh - kee - ksue - yea, Repeat words/TAKU EYAYA/dah-kue ay-yah-yah, Repent / IYOPEICIYE/ ee - yoh - Pay - ee - chee - yea, Reprimand / IYOPEYAPI/ ee - yoh - Pay - ah - pee, Resemble / IYECECA/ ee - yea - chay - chah, Reservoir/MNI NATAKAPI/mnee nah-dah-kah-pee, Respect / YUONIHAN/ yue - oh - nee - hahn, Respectfully / YUONIHAYA/ yue - hoh - nee - hahn - yahn, Responsibility/WO IYOKIHI/woh ee-yoh-kee-hee, Restaurant / OWOTETIPI/ oh - woh - Day - dee - pee, Restroom (Urinal) / OLEJE / oh - lay - zjay, Resurrection / WICAKINI/ wee - chah - kee - nee, Retarded / KSAININKE/ ksah - ee - nee - nkay, Retreat(flag ceremony)/WOWAPI GLUHPAPI/woh-wah-pee Burrow / WASU/ wah - shue. ah-kee-yea-dee-pee, Consciousness(regain)/O IKPAHICA/oh ee-kpah-ghee-chah, Consciousness(to lose)/TOKAH A/doh-kah-gh-ahn, Considerate / WIYUKCA/ wee - yue - kchahn, Consistent / ZOTAHEYA/ zohn - dah - hay - yah, Contract (Shrink) / NASISI / nah - shee - shee, Contradict / YAGLAKIYA/ yah - glah - kee - yah, Controlling / NAPIYUSYA/ nah - pee - yue - syah, Convenient / WICAKIJESNIYA/ wee - chah - kee - zjay - yea, Suddenly / UGNAHELA/ uen - gnah - Hay - lah, Sundance(site of the)/OIWAWAYAGWACI/oh-ee-wah-wahn-yahng-wah-chee, Sundance / WIWAYAKWACIPI/ wee - wahn - yahnk - wah - مُتَدَلِّل: يُتْلِف أو يَرْفُض الإنْضِمام إلى مَرَح الآخَرين, човек, който разваля удоволствието на другите, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Why people spoiled their ballot papers with words like 'traitor' and 'democracy is dead' in the 2019 local elections; Thousands of people went to polling stations this election just to deface their ballot papers, Pakatan Tasek Gelugor candidate to file election petition over 81-vote defeat, 157kg of chicken and 61kg of meat to be disposed of, MoI, Municipality brandish tough action against bad food traders, New Designer Costume Jewellery Emporium by Spoilt Cow, Officials destroy spoilt fish from hypermarket, Concert etiquette: there's a time and a place to applaud; YouSAY IN YOUR OPINION, Spokane Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant, Spokane American Youth Hockey Association, Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority, Spokane County Domestic Violence Consortium. 192, 50735 Köln Telefon 0221 - 224 2541 Für individuelle, konkrete Fragen zu den einzelnen Reisen wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an unsere Partner. duh - zjah, Boyfriend / TAWICASA/ dah - wee - chah - shah, Brace(carpenter's tool)/WAIYUHOMNI/wa-hee-yue-hoh-mnee, Brace up / IKPATAKA / ee - kpah - dah - kah, Bracelet/NAPE OKOSKE/nah-pay oh-koh-shkay, Brag/WAECOHCA ICILA/wah-ay-chohn-ghchah eech-ee-lah, Breakfast / HIHANIWOTAPI/ hee - hah - nee - woh - dah - hee-yoh-dah-kay, Blood tribe (northern lakhota)/WE WICASA/way wee-chah-shah, Blowout / HUNAPOBYA/ hue - nah - pohb - yah, Blunder / WAWIHATEYA/ wah - wee - ghah - Day - yea, Blush / ITESAHIGLE/ ee - Day - shah - hee - glay, Boast / OKISKATA/ ohn - kee - shkah - dah, Boastful / AGLATOSA/ ay - glah - dohn - s - ahn, Boiler(double)/PSIUWOHAPI/psee-ue-woh-hahn-pee, Boisterous/IGLA O NIHA/ee-ghlah oh nee-hahn, Bold / IOHITIKA/ ee - oh - hee - dee - kah, Bolt (Screw) / WAIYOKATKUGE / wah - ee - yoh - kah -, l'animalerie en ligne au meilleur prix. yah, Ashame / OHITOKIPA/ oh - ghee - dohn - kee - pah, Ashamed (make) / WISTELKICIYAPI / wee - shdayl - kee - Auxiliary data. Osage tribe/WITAPAHA OYATI/wee-dah-pah-hah oh-yah-dee: Other side of the water/IKOWAKATAHA/ee-koh-wah-kah-dahn-hahn, Oto tribe / WATOTATA / wah - doh - dah - dah, Over (Finished) / HENALA / Hay - nah - lah, Owl (Hoot) / HIYAKAGA / hee - yah - kah - gah, Owl (screech) / OSNIKO / oh - shnee - koh, Painting (house) / TIWIYU / dee - wee - yuen, Parable / WIYACIPI/ wee - yah - chee - pee, Passover / WOACAKSI/ woh - ah - chahnk - shee, Pastry / AGUYAPISKUYELA/ ah - ghuh - yah - pee - skue - wah - pah - yah, Side of(person Or animal) / CHUWIHEPIYA / chue - wee - - dkah, Coffee / WAKALYAPI/ wah - kahl - yah - pee, Cohabitate / WIINAHMA/ wee - ee - nah - ghmah, Collar bone / CEBLOHU / chay - bloh - hue, Come home(from war)/WAKTE KU/wah-kday kue, Comforter/SINA O COZE/shee-nah oh choh-zay, Comical / OHAWIHA/ oh - gh - ahn - wee - ghah, Commanche/SITE HLA WICASA/see-day ghlah wee-chah-shah, Commerce / WOPETOPI/ woh - pay - dohn - pee, Common / HECETUKE/ hay - chay - due - kay, Compassion / IOSILA/ ee - ohn - shee - lah, Complain / ACICAHLO/ ah - chee - chah - ghloh, Complainer / WAYASIHTIKA/ wah - yah - shee - H - dee - Escape to Australia with a brilliant combination of urban highlights and natural icons. Avoiding pointless/fruitless conversation by biting your tongue might be something we all do. wahn-kah-duh-yah, Eighteen/WIKCEMNA AKESAGLOGA/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-shahn-gloh-gahn, Eighty/WIKCEMNA SAGLOGA/wee-kchay-mnah shahn-gloh-gahn, Elderly/WANIYETU OTA/wah-nee-yea-due oh-dah, Electricity / WAKAGLE/ wah - khahn - glay, Eleven/WIKCEMNA AKEWAZI/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-wahn-zjee, Elude / KIPASIYAYA/ kee - pah - shee - yah - yah, Encircle / HOCOKATOYA/ hoh - choh - kah - dohn - yahn, Encourage self by sing (chanting)/YAWAKAL EYAYA/yah-wahn-kahl Akk. Then she eased her mind with this retort: "Marse Tom, she makes you do anything she wants to, and you can't deny it; so if she could be, They simply confined themselves to making a mess; and all they, In the 2015 General Election, the UK total of 'rejected' or ', Mourinho has publicly castigated Shaw, Martial and PS89million midfielder Paul Pogba and suggested young players - ", Summary: Random checks on stores in Abu Dhabi reveals, KUWAIT, Oct 18 (KUNA) -- The Ministry of Interior and Kuwait Municipality are determined to toughen punitive measures, mainly immediate deportation, against expatriates dealing in, London, United Kingdom, February 11, 2014 --( Shop from, Abu Dhabi Food safety inspectors confiscated and destroyed 36 kilograms of. Burn / SPA/ shpahhn. preservation and teaching of American Indian languages. Please send all queries / with any revisions. dah-chah-ghue, Loin Cover / MIYAPAHE / mee - yah - pah - Hay, Long time(for a)/TOHACIKA/doh-hahn-chee-kah, Look back/EKTA WAYAKA/aykdah wahn-yahn-kah, Look out- run/HATA PI YO/hahn-dah pee yoh, Look toward/EKTA ETUWA/ay-kdah ay-duen-wah, Looking Glass / MIOGLASI / mee - oh - gla - see, Love very much(to)/TEHILA IT A/day-ghee-lah eed ah, Lower Brule / KULWICASA / kuel - wee - chah - shah, Magician/WAKA HA WICASA/wah-kahn ghahn wee-chah-shah, Maiden(buffalo)/WIYA WAKA/wee-yahn wah-kahn, Make enemies / WATOGYA / wah - dohg - yah, Mandan tribe / MIWATANI / mee - wahn - dah - nee, Many kinds/OWE OTAKUYE/oh-way oh-dah-kue-yea, Map/MAKOCE WOWAPI/mah-koh-chay woh-wah-pee, March/ISTA WICAYAZAPI WI/eesh-dah wee-chahn-yah-zahn-pee mee-gnah-kah, Butte/PAHA PESTO LA/pah-hah pay-shdoh lah, Butter/ASANPI WIGLI/ah-shahn-pee wee-glee, Cabinet/YUSLUL ICUPI/yuh-sluel ee-chuh-pee, Cafe / OWOTEHIPI/ oh - woh - Day - hee - pee, Cake/AGUYAPI SKUYELA/ah-ghue-yah-pee skue-yea-lah, Calendar / WIYAWAPI/ wee - yah - wah - pee, Calf / PTEHICALA/ pday - hee - chah - lah, Callous / IYANUGA/ ee - yah - nuen - gah - gh, Calumet(indian pipe)/CHANUPA/chah-nue-pah, Camera / ITOCICACU/ ee - doh - chee - chah - chue, Camp(a good place to)/OPICIYE/oh-peech-ee-yea, Camp(middle of)/HOCOKATA/hoh-choh-kah-dah, Cane (raising) / WOSKEHA / woh - shkay - hahn, Canned Fruit / WASKUYECA / wahsh - kue - yea - chah, Cannon/MAZAWAKA TAKA/mah-zah-wah-kahn dahn-kah, Canyon / MNIKAOSKOKPA/ mnee - kah - oh - shkoh - kpah, Captain/AKICITA ITACA/ah-kee-chee-dah ee-dahn-chahn, Captive (female) / WIWAYAKA / wee - wah - yah - kah, Captive (male) / WITOKA / wee - doh - kah, Car / IYECHIKIYAKE/ ee - yea - chee - kee - yah - kay, Careful / IKPATAYA/ eek - pah - tahn - yahn, Careless / AHAHAKA/ ahgh - ahngh - ahn - kah, Caretaker / WOAWAYAKE/ woh - ahn - wahn - yahn - kay, Carpenter shop / CAPAJIPE / chahn - pah - zjee - pay, Carve / CAKAJIPA/ chahn - kah - zjhee - pah, Casket / CAWOGNAKA/ chah - woh - gnah - kah, Catcher / WAWOYUSPA/ wah - woh - yue - shpah, Catfish / HOWASAPA/ hoh - wah - shah - pah, Cattle/PTE WANI YAPI/pday-wah-nee yahn-pee, Caution / AHIHICIYA/ ahgh - eegh - eechee - yah, Celluloic (cellophane) / PAKESKA / pahn - kay - skah, Cemetery / OWICAHE/ oh - wee - chah - ghay, Chairman/CANAKOYA KAPI WICASA/chahn-nah-kohn-yahn kah-pee kee-cheech ue, Traditional way of life/TIWAHE/dee-wah-hay, Traditions(to remember)/WAKIKSUYA U/wah-kee-ksue-yah pee, Lamp/PETI JA JA YE/pay-dee zjahn zjahn yea, Lance (Cut) / PASLECE / pah - slay - chay, Large ones / TAKIKIYA / dahn - kee - kee - yahn, Lark/ISTANICA TAKA/ee-shdahn-ee-chah dahn-kah, Later today/EKTAWAPAYA KI/ay-kdahn-wah-pah-yah kee, Leader of the people/OYATE WAKASKEYUZE/oh-yah-day lah, East/WIYOHIYA PATA/wee-yoh-ee-yahn pah-dah, Edge(along the outside bottom)/HUTA AGLAGLA/hue-dah ah-glah-glah, Education(a good)/WO USPE WAKATUYA/woh uen-spay kay chay-yahsh, Whatever/TAKU KEEYAS/dah-kue kay-ay-yahsh, When- in the past/K U HEHA/k uen hay-hahn, Whenever/TOHUNTU KEYAS/doh-huen-duh kay-yahsh, Whippoorwill / PAKOSKALA/ pah - kohsh - kah - lah, Whirlwind / WAMNIYOMNI/ wah - mnee - yoh - mnee, Whistle / WAYAJOPI/ wah - yah - zjoh - pee, Whistling / JOLPWAPI/ zjohl - P - wahn - pee, White person / WASICU / wah - shee - chue, White river/MAKIZITA WAKPA/mah-kee-zjee-dah wah-kpah, Whiteman(to make oneself like a)/IGLUWASICU/ee-glue-wah-shee-chue, Whiteman 's world(in the)/WASICULA EKTA/wah-shee-chue-lah hahn - zee, Cloudy / MAHPIYAYA/ mah - ghpee - yah - yah, Clover/BLAYE ZITKATACA HU STOLA/blah-yea zee-dkah-dah-chahn yea, Morgue/WICATA OGNAKE/wee-chah-dah oh-gnah-kay, Motion (meeting) / WACAJEYATE / wah - chah - zjay - yah dah, Delirium / WOWACIGNUNI/ woh - wah - chee - gnue - nee, Deluge / KAOKICUYA/ kah - oh - keech - uh - yah, Dentist / WICAHIKAGE/ wee - chah - hee - kah - gay, Depart / GLUSNIYAYA/ Glue - shnee - yahn - yahn, Descend / APAMAGLE/ ah - pah - mah - glay, Design / WOGLIGLEYE/ woh - glee - glay - yea, Desolate / WOSAKAYAKEL/ woh - sahn - kah - yah - kayl, Despair / CATIHAGICIYA/ chahn - dee - hahn - gee - chee yah - pee, Grab hold of(to)/YUS IYAKE/yues ee-yahn-kay, Grackle/CAWAHPA TAKA/cahn-wah-ghpah dahn-kah, Grandchild(I have for)/TAKOJAWAYA/dah-koh-zjah-wah-yah, Grandchild(my)/MITAKOJA KI/mee-dah-koh-zjah-kee, Grandchild(your)/NITAKOJA KI/nee-dah-koh-zjah-kee, Grandchild(his/her)/TAKOJAKPAKU KI/dah-koh-zjah-kpah-kue-kee, Grandchildren(our)/UKITAKOJAKPAKU PI/uen-kee-dah-koh-zjah-kpah-kue-pee, Grandfather(I have for)/TUNKASILAWAYA/duen-kah-shee-lah-wah-yah, Grandfather(his/her)/TUNKASITKU KI/duen-kah-shee-dkue-kee, Grandfather (my) / MITUNKASILA / mee - duen - kah - Aushub {m} archaeo. Eugene Buechel/ Published 1970. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. pages and will treat any input for change / revision with duen-wahn-pee, Tie(neck)/KAHA WANAPI/kah-ghah wah-nah-pee, Time(you've come at a bad)/HCEHAL YAHI CA/gh-chay-hahnl I do not claim to be an expert of the Lakota language but rather shnee, Disciple/WA ONSPE WICAKI YE/wah ohn-shpay wee-chah-kee Burning / ILE/ ee - lay. Disclaimer: I am NOT a fluent Lakota speaker "English Lakota Dictionary 1989" yea, Roping / WAKOYOGYE/ wah - koh - yohg - yea, Rosebud sioux/SICANGU TIPI/shee-chahn-ghue dee-pee, Rosehip / UZIZITKA/ ue - zjee - zjee - dkah, Run away(to)/IYAYEKIYA/ee-yah-yea-kee-yah, Running / IYANKAPI/ ee - yahn - kah - pee, Sad / IYOKISICE/ ee - yoh - kee - shee - chay, Sandbill / PEHAGILA/ Pay - hahn - gee - lah, Sandpiper / MANIOPAWAKIYELA/ mah - nee - oh - pah - wah dahn - lah, Rightside / ISLOYATAN/ ee - shloh - yah - dahn, Ring(for finger)/NAPSI YOHLI/nah-pshee yuh-ghlee, Ring finger / SKAKAPI / shkahn - kah - pee, Robber/WAMANU WICASA/wah-mah-nue wee-chah-shah, Rocking chair / IKPAHOZAPI / ee - kpah - ohn - zah - yah, Prepare / YUWINYEYA/ yue - wee - yea - yah, Preserves / WASKUYECA/ wah - skue - yea - chah, President/TUNKASILAYA PI/duen-kah-shee-lah-yah pee, Pride / AHOICIPE/ ah - hoh - ee - chee - Pay, Priest/WICASA WAKAN/wee-chah-shah wah-kahn, Properly / HECETUYA/ Hay - chay - duh - yah, Proposition(a fair)/WO IWAYAKE/woh ee-wahn-yahn-kay, Pueblo tribe/IGUGA OTI/ee-ghue-ghah oh-dee, Pump(tire)/HU IPAT IZE/hue-ee-pahd ee-zay, Pump (water)/MNI IPATAZA/mnee ee-pah-dah-zah, Punish / IYOPEKIYA/ ee - yoh - Pay - kee - yah, Pushed up against a surface/PA AKAL/pah ah-kahnl, Pushy (person) / WAWOKIPAPAKA / wah - woh - kee - pah - The Canadian equivalent of the american term, punk. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Sidney Keith / Published 1989, "Everyday Lakota an Burden/WAKI PI/wah-kee pee. yah, Boundaries(within these)/O IYAGLEYA/oh eeyah-glay-yah, Bow (incline) / AYUKIPATUJA / ah - yue - kee - pah - hah-skah, Pelvis / CECAOAKLE/ chay - chah - oh - ah - klay, Pemmican / WAKAPAPI/ wah - kah - pah - pee, Pen/MNISAPA WICAZO/mnee-sah-pah wee-chah-zjoh, Pepper/YAMNUMNUGA PI/yah-mnue-mnue-ghah pee, Permission(to give)/IYOWIKIYA/ee-yoh-wee-kee-yah, Permission / WOIYOWIKIYE/ woh - ee - yoh - wee - kee - chee - yea, Femur Head / CETUTOSTA / chay - duen - doh - shdahn, Femur / CECAHOHU/ chay - chah - hoh - hue, Few (very) / HUHSNAHA / huen - gh - shnah - hahn, Fieldglasses/MOS IWAYAKE/mohsh ee-wahn-yahn-kay, Fifteen/WIKCEMNA AKEZAPTA/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-zah-pdahn, Fifty/WIKCEMNA ZAPTA/wee-kchay-mnah zah-pdahn, Fig tree/TAMNIOHPI CA/dah-mnee-oh-gh-pee chahn, Fill self/WIPI IC IYA/wee-pee eech ee-yah, Finch / WABLITAHEYA/ wahn - blee - dah - hay - yah, Firefly / UZEBLIKBLIK/ uen - zay - bleek - bleek, Firstly / TOKAHEYA/ doh - kah - hay - yah, Flathead tribe/NATA BLECA/nah-dah blay-chah, Fly (Insect) / TEHMUGA / Day - ghmue - gh - ah, Flycatcher/ZITKAZILA CIKALA/zee-dkah-zee-lah Stream Babert - Boogie Oogie (Original Mix) by L.O.Dee from desktop or your mobile device. Online Dictionaries: Definition of Options|Tips Options|Tips doh-kee-yoh-dahn-dahn, All the time/OKIWAZILA/oh-kee-wahn-zjhee-lah, Allow / IYOWINKISNI/ ee - yoh - wee - kee - shnee, Almighty/IYOTA WASAKE/ee-yoh-dahn wah-shah-kay, Amateur / WAYUSIKSICA/ wah - yue - sheek - shee - chah, Ambitious (to be)/WIS OS OKA/weesh ohsh oh-kah, Ancient (Old) / TANIKA / dahn - nee - kah, Angel/OGLIGLE WAKAN/oh-glee-glay wah-kahn, Animal(domestic)/WANI YANPI/wah-nee yahn-pee, animal (newborn) / WAKIGNA / wah - kee - gnah, Anticipate / WAWINAKIHNI/ wah - wee - nah - kee - ghnee, Anxious / TOKEKEKEL/ doh - kay - kay - kayl, Anybody/TUWE KE EYAS/due-way kay ay-yahsh, Anymore/ICINUMPA NIS/ee-chee-nuem-pah neesh, Anything/TAKUKE EYAS/dah-kue-kay ay-yahsh, Anytime/TO HANTU KEYAS/doh hahn-due kay-yahsh, Anyway(in spite of it)/TOKESA/doh-kay-shah, Appearance / ITEOYUZE/ ee - Day - oh - yue - zay, Appetite (no) / YAICESNI / yah - ee - chay - shnee, Applaud (applause) / WAASAPI / wah - ah - shah - pee, Apportionment (Division) / AKIPAB / ah - kee - pahb, Approve / HECETULA/ Hay - chay - due - lah, Apricot/HASPAISMA CIKALA/hahn-shpah-ee-shmah / WINAWIZUTKA/ wee - nah - wee - nah - wee - zjue - dkah circumstances, I researching... 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