I hope I can get better soon, taking sick leave today at home. p.s my bottle did not come with a red circle warning label that others have described. Now I know this works if instructions are properly followed, but I cringe on thought of accidentally making the same mistake again, so my two bottles are going straight to the trash! or even that big of a warning, i think on the back of the bottle on that little red strip it said don’t use as regular but i thought the red tip was just a different design. it felt like i dumped acid in them. Help! blah…. Yes I had experienced the same pain. Will keep you posted on the outcome. Clear Care Plus contact lens solution in Period 1, followed by PeroxiClear contact lens solution in Period 2. I can’t even believe it! I’m 14 and extremely scared that there will be something wrong. Not to mention, the whole side of my face feels like I was punched. :P. Worst pain i’ve ever felt in my eye! I thought it’s same as others. Thansk for all the posts. It is not 6 hrs yet, I should not wear them..I sometimes sleep less than that, and I take them off after gym, take shower and put them.Who can depend on that? Just got burnt by this f*king solution in the morning my eye is now bloody red and hurts like hell. To my horror, my eye instantly started buring and slammed shut! Of all the tyhingsd we regulate this isn’t one of them? I rinsed my eye with saline and water using a shot glass, for almost an hour after. My boyfriend said the stuff didnt look right – told me he had put the wrong solution in his eye as a kid and it hurt like hell. Last time will I ever use clear care!!!! I did the same thing few hours back and my eye is still hurting me after 3 hours. I also read the solution had to neutralize for 6 hrs. Despite the warning label… how can this stuff be sold right next to the other solutions? The fact that 100 of us on this thread have had the same thing happen shows that it is an inherent problem, not just a few idiots who can’t read warning labels. I have been wearing contacts for over 20 years, and the brands of contact solution all seem pretty similar to me. The contact was practically fused to my eye and took several minutes to remove it. I was taking my kids skiing this morning, and now we have to stay home. I ran to the sink and washed my eye for a while. This is probably one of the most stupidest things I have ever done ! This product should have a big red warning lable across the front of it, but of course this would affect sales so we can’t have that can we. This morning my contact felt like it needed a little more cleaning, so i threw a few drops of Clear care on it and threw it back into my eye. it’s almost as if there should be some color changer on the bottle to let you know it’s safe. Well the next day when I went to put my contacts in I quickly put one in and I felt immediate unbearable burning, thinking I for sure had put battery acid in my eye!!! How long will I look like this?? Somthing needs to be done.I’ve been wearing contacts for 15 years and I have never had any pain worse then what I felt yesterday. It is the most intense pain I have ever felt. I saw this 3 oz product and decided to use it. I might resort to the milk idea someone else posted. Is there anything that will take this pain away? How this product can be sold after all these complaints is beyond belief. Good luck to the next victim, I’m praying for you. OMG!!!! I missed the do not rinse WARNING. I spend the next 15 minutes with my head dunked in a sink full of cold water with my eyes open trying to get some relief. These are our eyes!!! I did the exact same thing! Its been 36 hrs and they still hurt but not as much. It’s ridiculous. Experience the feeling of fresh, clean, more comfortable lenses—guaranteed. Ciba Vision should advertise this product as “chemical/Acid contact cleaner” instead of “Contact solution” which consumers would thought to be the regular contact solution they had used for years. Does anyone have an e-mail address to send this list of concerns to Ciba Vision about Clear Care? happend to me today, I was at thanksgiving dinner at my husbands aunts house, when my contact was bothering me, i noticed i had a little spot of makeup on it, so i go into her bathroom searched for contact solution, (i knew she had contacts) and there it was, clear care no rub, well i even read the lable with my one good eye, as i had taken my makeup contact out, i looked for anything that had a warning didnt see anything, i thought to myself, well my contact solution is no rub also so this has got to be, so there it was “clear care no rub solution” rinst my contact out a bit then put in in my eye, LET ME TELL YOU IT BURNED! Read the effing directions and the product works wonders. After agonizing stabbing pain and a red eye for about a day I thought this wouldn’t happen again, right? So….I headed to my mom’s medicine cabinet, grabbed out the contact solution, and popped out my right contact. They need to say exactly that in BIG LETTERS bc then no one will do this, nor will they buy it. Worst pain ever, pryed it out of my eye, flashed back to high school biology class and rinsed my eye with water. What was the outcome? You should just be thankful it hasnt happened to you, and I hope it never does. I burnt my eye with this stuff after leaving them to soak in the provided case for five hours, and I totally blame myself, not Ciba Vision. Clear Care better do something!! I rinsed it with water and Systane lubricating eye drops with lanolane off and on for about four hours. She told me that it is worse than child birth. No where on this product does its almost been 24 hours and it still looks like shit, and i have very important events today. I will write to the company and reference the complaints of this blog, but I don’t think it would have as much effect as a class action law suit. Why are you even on this site if you ate just going to make fun of everyone? Went to put the right contact in this morning and shot out of my chair as if I was jet propelled and ran to the bathroom and tried to desperately remove the contact through a tiny slit and probably damaged the eye much more as I was clawing at it for several seconds. Later that morning I realized the tip of my finger had a slight “bleach stain” on it. I didn’t even buy the solution and it was ten PM so I didn’t think of reading directions on CONTACT SOLUTION come on that should not require directions. Yup same story here too. It STILL burned like all of you have said. Maybe they should mention in the directions that you MUST use the damn metal/brown cap that wouldn’t unscrew properly. The front of the box says NOTHING about being a different kind of cleaning and disinfecting solution. My nasal spray has an orange tip, I don’t think it’s going to send flames up my nose! It should be BRIGHT yellow/orange for DANGER! So even though I did what I was supposed to, and if had been working fine for about a month, it burned, my eye is read, it hurts, I’m SOOO pissed. When the optometrist came to sort things out they decided not to tell me what happened. Well I guess I will share my story as well. With all the articles I have read I am amazed they can still sell this. I hate this product. So when I woke up this morning, lazily, I went into the bathroom and rinsed my lenses in this put the lense on the tip of my finger and put it in my eye. I used aquafina water that was slightly cool and it gave me alot of relief. And yes, I have a lawyer friend who is very interested! Next time research and ask your eye doctor for his/her opinion on a product. Clear Care uses hydrogen peroxide to kill harmful germs and bacteria that can be found on contact lenses, helping prevent eye infections. It simply doesn’t seem to deliver any of the benefits they claim. Holy Fucking shit!!! For a number of minutes I was in sheer hell. Yesterday, I discovered it’s purpose. I re-inserted in appropriate case but to be honest I feel gun-shy about trying again. But the labels could be clearer, no pun intended. I should not be getting a chemical burn in my eye for not following contact lens directions — that is not a consequence I signed up for. I hope so! Holy crap I did the same thing too. My eye is still red and in pain. Is the swelling going to go down? It hurt all day and gave me a headache, drops didnt really help with the stinging, just took away the redness. I was finally able to pry my eyes open and get the contact out. The good news is after 14 hours of pain, severe redness, swelling and mucous of the eye, and breaking down and taking some acetaminophen I can finally see out of my eye. I was gettig ready to take my son out and got the wrong solution in my eye. The same thing happened to me too! As a graphic designer myself, I say to CIBA Vision…POOR DESIGN!!!! I heard this solution is good for disinfecting. After all contact lens solution has come along way. geez! Only use Clear Care Plus with the special lens case provided. I rinsed my eye with water and put red eye relief drops several times throughout these 24h. I am very near sighted and would not have seen any warning label, even if I had thought to look. The only thing different is for the first time I bought one of their two packs, I’m about halfway through the second bottle. Thank you. The doc said these things take time to heal. Yes, folks who read this without making the ultimate mistake, it is that bad. I am a Mom to a beautiful baby boy. Guys, there’s a reason for the red tip – it’s a last chance warning. It happened to me this morning, it’s been 7 hours and my eye still feels like it’s on fire. This has never happened to me for 35 years, so to all of the people that are calling us fxxxing idots and saying that we are ruining a good product for others, THINK AGAIN! Redness will last 48 + hours, avoid contacts for 2 days. And I’ve used this stuff properly for a few weeks and was just not thinking straight. This happened to me yesterday. I’d rather put in the work to clean the lens than have to learn to read braille! So we could get a little peace of mind reading about how things turned out!! Accidents can happen way to easily with Clean Care so just don’t buy it!!!! I have worn contacts for 23 yrs. Yup, did the same thing! The problem was me grabbing the wrong bottle, sitting right next to the all purpose saline solution. It looks like pink eye, hope this goes away soon! I have been wearing contact lenses for ove 20 years. I didn’t get the memo! Who would? Rinsed my eye, and still feels awful. The first time I thought it was burning because I didn’t clean my contacts properly. Grabbed the box from desk, couldn’t see the label of course. I feel the same way! Needless to say, I was left without any toiletries for two days (thanks to all the new security regulations with liquids, etc.) She came waltzing in casually, apparently oblivious to the fact that I needed her to find the saline solution QUICKLY. I used my boyfriends solution not knowing that it would burn the crap out of my eye its has been almost ten hours and it still burn like crazy and i cannot open my eye. IMPORTANT: Never use this solution directly on your eyes. They basically said call a doctor. I rinsed my eye with water all day (even under the shower four times) and once during the night and I still feel the burning. Inserted and SCREAMED BLOODY MURDER! Assholes. In fact, the Clear Care contains hydrogen peroxide which can cause severe burning. Putting your eye under a faucet is a little awkward, so try using a shot glass or a dixie cup or some small cup, fill it with water, and tip the cup back into your eye. I woke up to her screaming that her eye was on fire when she put in one contact full of that Clear Care solution. I couldn’t even get my lens out of my eye it hurt so bad – after much swearing I managed to rip the contact lens out of my eye and fill my eye with Visine for Contacts – it pretty much then looked like someone had stabbed me in the eye. If burning and/or irritation persist, seek assistance from an eye care professional. Her reply,”My friends Mom told me it was the right way to do it. After writing this my eye hurts again. Ciba, just remove your product from these shelves YOU dummies!!!! #1 in comfort my ass. How am I supposed to see which solution is which without my contacts on? They all looked at me like I was the creature from hell. My eye is still cloudy, puffy and very very red. How it happened: Late night last night. I can not believe it…It is very silly what CIBA vision company is trying to do..I have read the instructions, but it is not clear at all, there is not any warning. Guess we’ll just see if it gets better. I thought maybe I had something on my fingers that caused it to sting, and I tried to tough it out for about sec before I realized something was wrong. my entire head is aching now literal migraine from hell!! This stuff is awful. (I was confused as to WHY there was a red tip on top, but I assumed this was to show that the tip was sterile!) I did it today – I had accidentally stored my contacts in the Clear Care in a regular flat container. I couldn’t pry my eyes open to remove the lenses…. Those that think it is funny, why don’t you let someone squirt it in your eye! … Flushed it out forever. Pingback: imonglue.com » RE: I got clear care contact lens solution in my eye! i put visine in my eye too the only help it did was that the redness went away a lil bit OMG, I did this while visiting my parent’s house this morning. I used my sisters solution and was lucky to get the contact out in my AGONY!!! I’m still an idiot, but my eye seems to be good as new. Of course they will sell less, because they want to be there on the same shelf. Just looks bad for a few days. By the way it’s my birthday tomorrow and I have a date. It burned so bad that it took at least 30 secs to a minute for me to pry my eye open enough to get the contact out. I will never use clear care again!! My girlfriend was with me and did not recognize the seriousness of the matter. Excuse my language but FUCK YOU CLEAR CARE. But he switched. Contact solution is medicine. I too made the mistake of grabbing the wrong bottle. Omg I just did the exact same thing… And actually this is the 2nd time I did it. So used it even AFTER being warned. Hope this helped. I was at my boyfriends and I asked him to go get some of his roommates solution because I forgot mine. He also gave me a 2 page printout with the directions on them – including “DO NOT PUT CLEAR CARE IN YOUR EYE.”. Way too small type that only perfect vision people can read and poor warnings. I used a flat case last night thinking after the 6 hours I would be fine. But when you handle it, it gets dirty again or dry, so I always flush some more..How practical to count the hrs? Alright I;m glad that I won’t be blinded after this.. Anyway, I flushed it for a couple minutes straight at the tap (with my helpful toddler throwing the shampoo bottle at me demanding a bubble bath), and now four hours later it still burns. Stores may sell for less. I left it in and rinsed it like crazy till later in the day when my kid got out for me. Clear care is now in the garbage. Hate this product. Just rinse with water and good contact solution. I flushed my eye out for about 10 min with water. For more information on cookies and how to manage your settings, visit our. I was ready to give up on using contact lenses until I tried Clear Care. My ophthalmologist was able to see me first thing this morning where he checked my vision, flushed my eye, put some ointment in my eye to kill any bacteria and taped my eye. So here’s an initial OUTCOME for all of you that are wondering… I thankfully had only squirted it in my left eye (my eyes were dry and I mistook it for normal saline solution). But now I fear that I didn’t wash my eye out sufficiently. I’ve had kidney stones that felt like marshmallows compared to this pain. I’ve had snot running out of my nose and tears flowing for 12 hours now. took 8 weeks just to get them made then sent. Just last night I put a buddy’s solution in my eye and like you all it burned like a mother. I resorted to Percocet to get through the late afternoon and night. I did this twice, first time I dropped it in the sink, rised it with CC and put it in my eye. The ones sitting in the regular case sat for over 24 hrs so I figured no problem. . 12 hours later, my eye is red and swollen. The shock, the pain, the screaming . My husband just got a bottle of Clear Care and his neutralizing case from his new eye doctor. and today morning i woke up the burning went away kinda but its still red, THE ONLY ADVIDSE THAT I COULD GIVE U GUYS IS THAT TAKE YOUR CONTACTS OUT RIGHT AFTER THAT HAPPEN AND DONT PUT IT ON FOR THAT DAY Just happened to me this morning and my eye is burning so much it just incredible!!! I’ve been using it for almost a year now and have loved it until this morning. The next morning I rinsed my contact with the solution…Oh the burning…Words can’t describe. Stuck it in my innocent eye and it hurt so bad I couldn’t even scream. Another one bites the dust. At night Blink Gel was used to keep the eye closed. SO yea, because this special case tends to merge my two contact lenses together when I open it, I tried to pull the contacts apart with care. I am on erythromycin eye ointment and I am still in pain. You people are bloody idiots (pun intended). Yes, everyone should read the label. I hope It’ll be better this evening. Thanks for this blog! I have been through 3 ALL NATURAL labors and it did not compare to the acid wash my eye experienced about 10 hours ago AND IS STILL BURNING! I am shocked at the amount of people that have suffered the same injury as I experienced this morning. I am here to chime in on this horrible product! I have rinsed the lenses with copious amounts of water and the correct saline solution but they still burn. I was cussing up a storm as I danced around holding my eye as if someone poked it out with a hot skewer or something. I rinsed my eye with water for a while. The warning is really not all that big and if someone had not told me that you can’t put it directly in your eye, I would have done it a while ago. This product needs to be off the market or clearly marketed differently. Only wore contact today for 4 hours so eye could continue to heal. My Gosh how can anything hurt sooooooo badly?? Despite how hard it was to open my eye, I just grabbed it hard as I could and then pulled out my contact…worst experience ever! Somehow a piece of fuzz got on the first one and I wasn’t thinking when I rinsed it off. Hence, I did not use it. It still felt like a fresh burn! Just did the same damned thing as the rest of you. ugh. This happened to me this morning. I ran out of saline when I needed to just rinse off a cloudy contact. So after ruling out the lens and solution, I thought I was developing a medical condition – perhaps a sensitivity to contact lenses or lens solution in general. My bottle was a sample and has no red tip or anything else that would indicate a difference from other solutions. So I put it back into the solution for a minute took it out again thinking nothing of it and applied it to my eyes. The type of case is important because the black disc in their case neutralizes the peroxide over the 6 hours you’re supposed to wait. Trust me…one day there will be a very serious injury or loss of sight and this crap will be off the market. I got colored contacts yesterday and was in town and decided to get a contact solution. I hate this product! I didn’t even read the box & burned the SHIT out of my eye! All I can say is wow..I was just in SHOCK…it hurt like crazy!! Never rinse your contact lenses with Clear Care Plus before you put them in your eyes. I was traveling and grabbed the roommates solution. yea I did this…. First was about a year ago, I got something in my eye and wanted to drop saline to my eye. Wow guys I did the same thing…it took about 9 hours to stop burning…20 Hours later redness starting to go away…Have heart my friends..it seems this will pass…I took 1200 miligrams of Ibproffin and it seemed to take away the pain. luckly I took my contact out in one try. I am yet another one “gotten” by this stupid, ill marked product. I immediately took it out and started rinsing my eye. My opthalmologist is near my office so I went to see him and he confirmed no corneal damage, gave me some steroid drops. They say, we have warnings on the boxes. I have spare contacts for my left eye (which is the one that burns) but I dont have any spare contact for my right eye (I didnt put it in my eye and its still in the case). I just experienced this and read all 137 comments above me. I was in a hurry, so I probably didn’t rinse it long enough. It is the same eye so I guess I can tell people that it is still inflammed and not have to tell them that I am a moron!!! Immediately felt the pain(worst pain i’ve felt in years)…only I thought it was from the face soap I had just washed my face with. I too am pretty much blind without glasses or contact lenses and like most people who have posted… reached for the wrong solution to clean the lens once more before putting it into my eye. I hope the burning goes away soon . Also get some natural tear drops. The upper and lower lids became enflamed and red and my eyeball was on fire and remained red for 1.5 days. After several hours of increased redness, swelling and pain I went to the ER. I forced myself to take out the dam lense out of my eye and still, 10h later, it feel dry and it hurt. I think there is some cloudy stuff accumulating. Well later as in maybe 4 days the redness went away and it dosnt hurt anymore but never again will I purchase let alone use clear care! I just assumed it was multi-purpose solution like the big bottle. I just did the same this morning. I took the lens out of the case and put it right in like I usually do and I immediately started screaming from the pain. Definitely a great case for a class action law suit. Glad to see I’m not the only one who did this =). Mom had bought this on sale sometime ago and I am on a trip, so grabbed the bottle, as it’s ‘small’. I pulled that sucker out so damn fast i lost the contact on my bed. Thought I’d should share my experience as well after reading through all the posts. My vision is normal, just my eye hurts. I have been treating my eye for a slight inflammation and then this morning I did this!!! Luckily, I have Refresh Tears eye drops and Systan Ultra with me. What I do is place my bottle high up in my medicine cabinet, and I only retrieve it at night when I clean up my contacts. I’m glad I’m not the only one who suffered this ridiculous pain. and ask when i can put on contacts again, and also if i should use my coconut oiled lenses. Thank you for this link!!! It was hard not to completely panic as I started calling to my 17 year old that I needed help while I was desperately trying to get my eye back open to get the contact out. I am a bit scared to go to bed because I don’t want to be blind in the morning! I could go on and on. I’m soaking my lens in optifresh, hoping that no unneutralized Clear Care is lurking in them. This morning I was going through my regular routine and wow…. Perhaps from the CIBC?? I grabbed the solution, rinsed the contact and stuck that it in. WTF??? Used cold compresses and continued with eye lubricate – about every 2 hours. I rinsed contacts first also. My husband bought Clear Care for me thinking it was regular Saline. I just hosed my eyeball down with this stuff. It has made me wary of all solutions now, and I will be joining in whatever Class A lawsuit is going down on this one. Luckily, I was able to take the contact off quite quickly and run to the bathroom to flush my eye with warm water. 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